The Ultimate Sonax Car Wash Kit – Really Quick Product Review

hey YouTube Dave here from fcpa ro
welcome to another really quick product review we have a so nice kid over here
that comes with virtually everything they need to detail your vehicle it
comes with car wash logo over here high speed wax along with a rim cleaner it
has lost clear as well high speed wax and also a dashboard cleaner and we also
have a sponge over here microfiber that you won't have to worry about your paint
getting scratched and a applicator for your tires so this kit comes all in this
book over here it's a convenient kit so nice products are high-quality this can
give you the best results on your vehicle's finish a lot better than some
of the comment detail products that you'll find in just a random retail
store alright this has been a really quick product review if you like what
you saw here please comment below and also like and subscribe thanks for

As found on YouTube

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