Unboxing + Testing CHEAP rc Stunt Runner.. and why it SUCKS!

so this is actually kind of concerning this is the 
adventure force stunt runner and what we're gonna   do with it is test everything it says on the box 
and more so let's get right into it now it says it   comes with a full function 2.4 ghz controller and 
has its own rechargeable battery in it yes that   means i don't have to spend money on double a's 
well except for the controller but those things   last forever and finally it says it has a range 
of up to 30 feet now we will test that out and   see how accurate that is later on and before we 
unbox this if you want to know more about this   car or where to buy it from there will be a link 
in the description below let's unbox this thing so in the box you get your rarely shaped manual   and finally your controller and car now the 
controller has some nice clicky buttons on it   and you can actually kind of see through 
it i've never seen an adventure force   controller like this one and then for the 
car you do have your dual designs and then   some nice rubber tires now if you 
actually look how this thing drives   if i turn this wheel this way that one turns that 
way and seem to this one which means this thing is   technically four wheel drive now what that should 
allow this car to do is do some spins and donuts   and stuff like that but we will see later on all 
right let's get some batteries for this remote   charge this car up and go test it so you need 
four double aaa batteries for the controller so to charge the car on the remote there's a 
spot that says open so you just go ahead and   pop that open and then you find the little hole 
in the car and simply just plug it in and turn on   the controller so that turns green and then once 
that turns off that means your car is charged so   let's wait for this to charge and then go test it 
but there is just one issue as you can see it's   actually snowing in the springtime even though 
it was just 80 degrees yesterday gosh virginia   weather is just so strange but hey at least i 
can do this yes now it's nice and sunny i love   that i can do that so here we are outside let's 
see what this little thing can do now speed wise   it's actually not too fast but it takes off really 
quickly like it almost pops so really every time   and then the second thing steering it is also 
ridiculously sensitive like i am barely tapping   the controller when it spins like that i mean 
you can hear me tap it so that will take some   getting used to but because of how sensitive that 
is it is in fact able to do some 360s just like   that let's see if we can try to drive it like that 
oh you can do some donuts with it too oh my gosh   this thing's honestly pretty quick just not too 
oh look it just flipped like that that's funny   but like i was trying to say this thing takes off 
really quickly but it just is not too fast and   the other cool thing you can do if you would 
run it into a wall this is what would happen   it just flips it back just like that so this 
means if you dance at all it would just slip   over and you wouldn't have to walk over there and 
pick it up now we're going to drive this car away   from this controller and see how far it can go 
then we'll measure it with this measuring tape so this is actually kind of concerning because 
uh i think that just lost signal i mean look   it's not doing anything well let's go measure it   so remember this said if could go 
30 feet now watch how far it went   yeah 16 feet just about half now this is the first 
for an adventure force car because they always go   like 30 or 40 feet above what the box says so i'm 
honestly pretty disappointed in this so if you're   planning on getting this car for a living room 
size then i would not recommend this for you well   i'm not really happy about what just happened but 
there's still one more test but before we get to   that if you are enjoying what you have seen so far 
make sure to let me know by liking this video so   that way i can make more like this for you thank 
you now back to testing the final test we have   for this car is to see how long this thing can run 
for now i don't see anywhere on the box where it   says this so let's find out but first let's charge 
this car up to make it a fair test so we got the   remote setup we got the stopwatch and the fully 
charged car now i will stop the stopwatch once the   tires stop moving and the battery goes completely 
flat on the car let's start this thing right now throughout the 10 minute mark and there 
you go this thing has gone for 10 minutes   let's see how much longer it can go for so a weird thing is this one half stopped but the 
other half is still going and we are at 27 minutes   so uh oh there it goes battery just died let's 
go ahead and stop this so wow guys i was not in   any way expecting it to do that i mean look at 
that that's almost half an hour of run time from   this thing i'm sure if they put that in the box 
this thing would sell way more but i guess that   isn't a bad thing because this thing has like no 
range on it and speaking of that let's go over   some of the things that i really don't like about 
this car the first thing is about how sensitive   the steering is for this thing i mean you hit 
one of these buttons for one millisecond it will   like do a whole spin out so you have to be really 
careful about how long you press those which will   take some practice i mean heck it took me like 10 
minutes of pure driving this thing to get used to   that now the second thing is the speed now yes 
this thing takes off really fast when you hit go   but once it is that top speed it does not go any 
faster and now the last thing i really don't like   about this car i mean because of this i almost 
don't even want to recommend it to you guys   but it is the range this thing has it absolutely 
sucks it goes 15 feet from the controller even   when the box said it could go 30.

Now i don't know 
if it's just this specific car that's doing that   if you guys have this car if you want to buy 
it and test it out tell me down in the comments   how far it went for you but i mean if they're 
all like that i really wouldn't recommend this   thing because you can barely drive it in any 
spaces alright let's move on from the negatives   the things i like about this car is that these 
tires are nice and flexible and have some nice   grip on it to drive on almost any terrain now the 
fact that the tires are rubber also it was able   to make it flip when it hits the wall so you 
don't have to walk over there and flip it back   even though it would only be like 15 feet away all 
right i need to stop doing this and the last few   things i like about this the buttons are very 
easy to press and this controller feels like   it's actually pretty good quality and probably my 
favorite thing about this car is the run time this   thing has on it i mean good gosh guys 30 minutes 
of run time from this little thing and it actually   only takes like 15 minutes to charge so that is 
really good for something this cheap now if you   want to see similar tests just like the one in 
this video but on a different car i will put a   video right there and on that note guys thank you 
so much for watching and i really hope you enjoyed   the review today stay awesome out there and stay 
updated for some more rc cars in the future peace

As found on YouTube

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