WLTOYS 104072. Probably their BEST 1:10 RC Car EVER!

okay time for a speed run okay let's see what we got there guys welcome back to the channel guys if you're 
new here welcome to the channel today we've   had a new delivery today we have the new one-tenth 
scale wl toys one zero four zero seven two let's   take a look what's in the box so inside the box we 
have the usb charger we have a small bag of tools   with a screwdriver a torque wrench some spare 
body clips and some spare screws there's a 2s   3000 milliamp battery we got your standard 
wl toys remote and of course there's an   instruction manual which i never read and 
last but not least we have the actual car so the first look at this car you can see 
that this body has an awful lot of detail   in here there's the checker plate truck bed and 
there's a abundance of lights all over the car   we've got tail lights which are flashing we've 
got headlights roof lights bumper lights loads   and loads of lights on this thing you even 
have indicators when you turn left and right   brake lights when i apply the brakes the tires are very very grippy nice rubber 
material on here inside the car we got two   detailed driver figures nice blue red and 
black livery on the underside of the body   you can see the light module here with all the 
leds nicely tidally attached to the body looking   inside you can see it's the same chassis the 
same wheelbase as the previous one zero four   zero zero two the shock towers are a lot shorter 
for this type of truck has the same 35 50   brushless motor with the heatsink the 
same servo same esc but it doesn't mean   that it will drive the same let's take this 
thing to the track and see how it performs okay time for a speed run 60 kilometers on 
the box let's see if we can get a 60 kilometer   run or anywhere near that let's 
give this thing quick speed test let's do one more pass there we go pull out okay let's see what we got there guys 58 kilometers per hour guys 58 kilometers just   two kilometers off its target 
speed 58 kilometers on a short run okay so we're here at the track and i just leave 
the pit area there's a couple of pros on the track   so i've got to stay out of their way i'm not sure 
if that car's as fast as theirs but here we go   first track run one zero four zero seven two so oops i lose it on the first turn i must i must say having driven the the previous 
the previous wl toys the responsiveness of the   of the throttle is much better than the previous 
uh 110 buggy i'm not i'm not going full speed   yet as i still getting accustomed to the car i'll 
probably just let these pros overtake me a minute oops here we go let's try and 
run it a little bit better it's pretty it's pretty fast and uh 
it's a little bit drifty but the tires   are actually pretty good for especially 
for an rtr i mean i think if you want   better grip you would probably have to change 
the the tires for better track tires but they're   they're actually pretty okay let's see if i can 
beat this pro and not let him pass oh maybe not the steering seems okay let me just check 
the car after that massive crash i had here we go again so i'm trying not to be an [ __ ] here so i 
am letting guys pass and uh obviously their   cars are much faster and much better than mine 
so i couldn't stop them if i wanted to a little   bit hard on these turns guys the track is a 
little bit wet pretty speedy i haven't gone   full speed yet because i'm still trying to get 
used to the track and the use of the controls   as i come to and i'm getting more used to the car 
now and uh i'm doing a little bit better on these   tracks i'm still getting killed by these pros who 
are on the track of course they have much faster   much more expensive cars you see my awful my awful 
drifting skills guys so in a future video i will   be asking a pro drifter to teach me how to drift 
an rc car also so look out for that video as well this is actually pretty good i'm really actually 
enjoying this car right now i'm trying to trying   to talk to you guys but i'm trying to concentrate 
on driving around this track as well and trying to   keep up with these pros with no chance whatsoever 
you see my massive massive crash out just there   i did have one practice left earlier and i did 
crash and the the steering rod did come out as   normal for all wl toys uh the 
steering rod came out but i   managed to find it and put it put it 
back on and now we're good to go again now i've got some great news for uwl 
toys fans by the way the throttle delay   is has been eliminated if you had awful 
throttle delay on the previous wl toys models   this this model has no throttle 
delay or absolutely very little   fairly noticeable much more responsible 
responsive than the previous models the steering is pretty good but the most annoying thing of the previous 
models was the throttle delay that would   uh delay you and render you useless when trying 
to race bashing was great but racing was not the   strong point of the wl toys this one no problem 
whatsoever you can see i can actually get some   drift around these corners because the throttle 
is much more responsive on the same controller so   i think they have reaped i think 
they have reprogrammed the esc   receiver whatever they've done to eliminate the 
throttle this the previous throttle delay so as i   try to drift some of these turns i do give it too 
much throttle sometimes as you see and i do spin   out maybe i should try braking instead i see those 
wonderful brake lights working when i do brake i'm actually impressed with my driving today 
guys what do you think total novice first   time on the track with this car first time 
on a off-road track with any car in fact   i don't think i'm doing too badly 
haven't i haven't broke anyone's car yet i haven't broken my own car yet 
i must say i'm actually very   impressed with the handling of this car 
the responsiveness of the the remote i mean it's the same remote as the 
previous models but it just feels   different the handling of this car is much 
more improved than previous wltoys models great fun so far no no non-shuttle pass oops 
okay maybe that one then so that's the wl toys one zero four zero seven two 
first run of the track guys and it was actually   it did well it did well uh it took 
me a while to get used to it but yep   definitely good run for a track great 
fun budget car let's take it out and   take it out have fun at the track and you can 
actually keep up with some of the other cars now that concludes my review of this wltoys104072 what do you think guys i found it fast 
responsive great to drive on an on-road   track and most importantly they have fixed their 
previous throttle delay issue on this thing   now if you want to buy this we have a 
link down below we do have a discount code   if you do visit the make a fire site you can use 
the same discount code for any of the products   on their online store and thank you for makify 
for sending this brilliant rc for review today   if you did like this video please subscribe please 
give it a like i'll see you in the next video guys   so you

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