WORLD’S BIGGEST RC Airplane Event! – Joe Nall 2023 EXPERIENCE!

Check out a beginner rc plane here:
This is one of the world’s biggest RC airplane events, Joe Nall. This is my first time ever attending and I am so happy to share my experience with you!
Learn more about Joe Nall here:
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The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jeff Buys, Jeff Stone, Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Matt Reetz, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, odatsteve, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ron Erickson, Ryan Alexander, Steve Tippy, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Brian Buckstiegel, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, and Jason day

#joenall #rcplane #rcairplane

Too [Music] 20-23 where RC settlers I've had some Really cool stuff happen to me this last Year in the world of RC especially Aviation today we're trying to make Another dream come true actually not Trying we're making another dream happen We are at an event that I've never gone To have wanted to go to for about eight Or nine years now I'm right on the Flight line just getting here and I'm Just like a kid in a candy store I don't Know how every single person here Doesn't have a massive smile on their Face just because I've never seen Anything like this we are at Jonah for The very first time although I've been Flying for a decade now this is crazy Look at this flight line the things that Are in the air I will have to show you Guys I don't I don't even know what to Say man every single thing in the air on The main line is just making my jaw hit The floor I didn't know stuff like this Even existed and then we've got Beautiful beautiful place And I've never even seen anything like The cover alone on this airplane come on This is a whole new world And Golf Course quality grass And it goes all the way down you Probably can't even see it there's a Control tower behind that speaker way

Down there it goes even past that Airplanes Galore I cannot wait to get Into this this is amazing basically this Video is in my experience at Joe Knoll For the very first time is it awesome Yes so far very awesome what's the Atmosphere like what are the pilots like Generally how welcoming is it is it Going to be fun to fly I brought an Airplane to fly I want to let you guys Know by the end of this video what it's All about to go to journal if you've Never been I've always had a reason or Two come up for the not going to Jonah Birth of a kid filming a wedding who Knows now we're like eight years into Wanting to go and and we're here I am Just buried in airplanes constantly in The air there's no way I can keep up With all this and here's the sad news I'm here by myself Abby the kids they're Not here so I gotta document this for Abby and Everybody this is amazing there we go Started off right got some nice RC Sailor shirts General yeah passing out More shirts at Jonah yeah I had to duck away in like a little Hidden spot just for a minute because This is so mind-blowing first of all Everyone I've talked to so far is Extremely nice and friendly which I love Uh it's a very inviting environment so Far I just wasn't sure what so many big

Expensive planes let's walk the flight Line together just for a minute so I can Show you guys some of the cool stuff Sitting out on the flight line waiting To fly and my mind is absolutely blown You guys are gonna love this all right Just pause the video If you see Something soon 1.1 and it goes up farther than I can Even see Everybody here is just Oh man Look at this Fair and try plane oh my gosh Oh it's beautiful So beautiful [Music] I feel like people are slowly packing Things up these big airplanes take a While to pack up look at this oh To take three hours I walk down to show you guys everything And I stopped out even for just like 10 Seconds this just flew it was Outstanding Outstanding Wow go check this out planes non-stop Absolutely non-stop Surrounded by a awesomeness smoke Not smoke old new Jets big gassers look At this old war bird oh beautiful It's beautiful Got it oh my gosh [Music]

We're having fun no we're not my best This is Non-stop just amazing planes to look at Just amazing I wish I could record every Single one of these flying for you guys To watch No I'm not zoomed in it's just that big That is crazy I don't even I don't even have words I've seen a jet like this fly but not With this camo patterns that looks Amazing It's uh I recognize that this glider is Jet glider These guys are wild [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] But a lot of times it looks like there's A leader in the following room in this Case there is right now [Music] Policy place [Music] [Music] Awesome Okay that's about the end of the main Flight line About I'm telling you guys it is Huge and as we progress down I'm not Exactly sure what's next I cannot

Remember I think we're getting into some Water and stuff because look at these Amazing sailboats Walk down from the main flight line we Turn around and we've got some Lake Flying and I see a giant Bush plane I'm not exactly sure what that is Extreme fly Maybe Landing Perfect Landing Touch and Go looks like and there goes [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Here when we're talking about this Location again main flight line Have the lake behind me now with just a Couple planes here not a lot of Attention which I've heard before and it Continues back here that is just One flight line the main flight line We've got electrics 3D Let's keep going I found a great group Of guys they all got a nice shirt we're Having a good time thank you Awesome guys thanks for watching our Videos thank you having a blast on the Electric line passing out a few more Shirts with fans of the channel Absolutely no clue what's going on here It's amazing Airplanes on a wrecking ball Looks like it's been on fire before

Yeah Extreme flight Have buses so you don't have to walk This whole thing it actually says triple Free air drum right on there But me like the idiot I am decided to Walk the whole thing I think they might have known me I think A lot of these people might know me There we go [Music] After stopping to talk talking to some Amazing fun people we're now down here On the electric flight line it's below The lake which is right back there up Above the hill and I feel like this is More my speed I feel a little more Comfortable down here because I've been Flying electric planes for about 10 Years And I'm just getting my feet wet with Gas but it makes me have this massive Appreciation for all these amazing Planes that are here this is like Disney World just like with these guys said I Was talking to the golf car guys it's Like Disney World I mean it truly is They were fun they had my mindset of Just pure smiles and fun and enjoying it And uh I think that's the general Vibe Here okay I found my people we're doing Some electric foam combat this is Definitely my speed and some fans of the Channel hi Abby

The remainder of combat I'll be spending Some time down here on the electric Flight line I think there's still a Little strict like you need a spotter I Think one when you're just flying but I I imagine I'll feel pretty comfortable Flying down here I'll show you guys what I brought only one airplane that I could Fit in the car for this trip but you Know whole family had to fit I'll Explain the situation but this is cool This is Everyone wants to see who wins the Combat there must be a prize because A lot of spectators This is about my collection would look Like if I packed my stuff up so Down here on the electric foam flight Line Last guy must have just landed on the Combat so Pretty cool Like like a golf club everyone's just Happy for the winner okay I told you Guys Because where I felt most comfortable And talking to some people that are also Um YouTubers themselves and at least Right here what's your channel name Elijah Holman RC we'll find it and link It in the description box you guys Having fun at doing all amazing yeah Awesome I'm blown away this is crazy Nice having fun on the electric line at

Jonah Okay making my way down the electric Flight line and near the end of it is This really cool hanger space There we go so I've learned a little bit About Joe Noll there's a man that owned All this land and just loved Aviation I Think he put on an event I need to learn The history and the details of this but Um He donated this so that this hobby could Live and Thrive here on this property And he's still around and I need to find Him and do a quick little interview if He will Spend the time doing that and show me Around I've heard that he will gladly do That so if I can find him sometime this Weekend I will do that we're making our Way down though let me kick the camera Around we're gonna go down remember at The beginning of the video let me show You guys this power we are going to Continue down to the 3D flight line There's a control line there's a guy Right there that's doing control line Flight [Music] Um there's 3D you guys can probably see That plane flipping around And I should have I should have I don't know if I do a Ride coming Just got a hold of TJ from Horizon their

Social media guy us social media guys we Try to stay together a little bit Said he was coming to pick me up we'll See if not walking is good CJ The best things you can do at Joan Hall Is to start a YouTube channel learn who All the Horizon of boys are and then get Their phone numbers and plug one of them Down TJ the social media guy to come Give you a personal tour I just walked All this with you guys and I could have Just called him and said okay give me a Ride man I can't imagine walking I Didn't even walk last year I just used a Rental car down my first year was last Year so I know what it's like trying to Figure out this whole craziness And we're gonna try to at least show Where the fun stuff is and then let you Guys have the fun we did miss the Helicopter spot TJ showed me that There's a two helicopter guys there I Feel bad for those guys I might try to Get there and show you but we're headed Back to the 3D line right now and you've Seen all this The walking tour down to the electric Flight line now TJ thank you so much man You're welcome you're welcome a lot more To see Johnny don't want to die [Music] 3D flight line Abby will tell me if I don't get some

Water and some food But I'm trying This is just the best it is Disney World The attitudes are so much better than I Thought would be here I was so worried Everybody would just be Good You know spotter this spotter that That's fine that's fine but no fun fly In circles I was I couldn't be more Wrong I'm having an amazing time Probably the coolest playing event that I've ever gone to [Music] Okay you saw the 3D line I had some Barbecue I got a ride back up here to The car where we're parked where I'm Parked everybody here seems to be very Amazing I've not met a single person Pilot spectator Employee volunteer whatever that is not Just the most amazing RC person and Mindset that I've ever Been a part of all great people some Familiar faces some fans of the channel And sure those things help but what the Vibe that I've gotten From everybody everyone They all say oh this is your first time Here because nobody here is a first Timer at least not that I've run into Well one horizon person And so it's definitely a place you want

To keep coming back to your first time Here your first day here will be Extremely overwhelming because it has Been for me But in a very good awesome positive way There's so much going on there's no way To take it all in you need an e-bike a Dirt bike a golf cart a four-wheel or Something because it is far if you want To experience it all it can be walked But You'll be tired uh man it's just people That are passionate About the hobby And They're not just this is my plane stay Away don't touch they they can see the Joy on your face and love sharing that With with you and other people so I Don't know just great people Check this out So yeah this is what I'm looking at as I'm talking to you guys we've got smoke Down the main line amazing airplanes So in other words Jonah as a first time attendee is Amazing I'm hoping to get some flights Some other type of content on the Channel for you guys but I think this is A good way to kick it off it might be Drawn out over a month or more depending On how much I do but there are just such Cool planes here and I want to share as Much of this with you guys as I can and

I won't be able to share a single Fraction of it because that's how much Is going on the flight line right now Looks like it's on fire we got smoke up Here camera doesn't do it justice and The 3D line down there is just looks Like it's on fire so much fun Here experiencing this with me so we Have to come back we just have to plan On a trip back here was that that's a Jet bike Lane yeah [Music] I don't know if I've ever seen one They buy plane turbine wow Okay we missed the takeoff but here's Something really cool taking off A turbine foamy it's not melting and one Of the coolest things that you'll ever See let's flip the camera around so We're not recording me okay these planes And jets are so cool we have camera One Camera two camera three camera four Camera five And uh what's what's crazy is you got a Plane like this With this in here [Music] Foreign Because there's never like the perfect Intro of any flight here look at that Phone media And then Right there

[Music] And they're just ripping everything is Different speeds [Applause] [Music] The variety Of this [Music] Turbine Jack it's smoking lights When it gets dark it's hard to focus This camera See I'm jealous this guy has got smoke Basically the whole flight [Music] Those lights [Music] YouTube [Music] Hey how you doing good morning Yes Craig I'm from Baton Rouge Louisiana Glad to see you watch your videos of you And your family all the time you're good Christian people I enjoy it I learn a Lot if I don't know anything I go back And I look and see so I can learn Something I got a shirt for you buddy Just right over here okay I was showing Off the Pilot's Lounge is so cool Final channel right here right you guys Just saw him great guys so he's gonna Get a sticker of course this guy which Is also not a subscriber gets a sticker But for the subscriber we got a shirt so

Let's go work this out now if he wants a Shirt what's he got to do subscribe That's it easy There we go starting it off right got Some nice RC sailor shirts Joe and all Yeah well this might be a once in a Lifetime thing that ever happens but uh Stephen petrotto helping me build my Airplane here at Joe doll Well he does he's passing out shirts Cooking barbecue helping me build an Airplane well we got 3D pilots flying in The rain this is crazy Oh if I do it right It's beautiful he licked it You got me well informed online another Proud subscriber with an RC sailor shirt But look at the ride look at the ride I gotta get my wife to help me I've got A few shirts left he's he just picked One up and this is the main flight line At General man we are having a blast see You soon Jim Abrams happy birthday you Are the winner of our turbo Timber Evolution the one and only plane I've Brought to Joe Knoll in his signed RC Sailored up congratulations buddy thanks For watching our videos good job Getting rained out but we're still Passing out shirts and airplanes Bobby you're missing out I should just Be hanging out I found a nice quiet dry place on day Two here at uh Jonah in the extreme

Flight tent just really cool to check Out some of these Giants and it's no One's really flying today I'm just Trying to stay dry talking to people Passing out shirts stickers and having a Good time really just meeting people Talking to people but just thought it'd Be a good chance to get the camera out And update you guys there probably won't Be as many videos as I had hoped from This event just because of the rain but That's that's how it goes sometimes and This is a good chance to Tinker on Things and talk to people and learn Things and uh well that's basically what I'm doing so a little update I'm just walking in the rain as uh Joe Knoll is kind of slow today and I Stumbled across what's probably the best View here just a beautiful shot of the Lake with some water planes flying Because it is Raining a lot today so you can see a few Planes in the air but normally standing Here you'd have just this really awesome Viewpoint of just tons of really cool Things flying but it's raining today It's uh very slow and sadly this is my Only full day here so I'm not sure how Much flying we're gonna get on video for Everybody today but here is the cool Hanger with full-scale planes inside and I wanted to poke my head in there and Show you guys before Joe Nall is

Finished completely but man look at this This is the modeler's dream come true It's just The true Disney of RC planes I mean It's just amazing Opens up the hanger To this Beautiful view of the lake It's even on a rainy day it's awesome But I think my John all experience is Wrapping up this year but what it's done Is made me realize I have to come back I Have Check out the hangar really quickly It's amazing such a cool place So awesome sadly I think this feels like A fairly appropriate place for me to Wrap this video up with you guys staring At these cool planes and me staring out At that I have had a really good Journal Experience for coming by myself without Abby which is a first we do everything Together especially in RC Um it's been awesome I feel like Everyone here just about everybody here Knows me or knows of me or this name or Something and so that's fun but even if You didn't know anyone here everyone has Been extremely friendly and inviting and Opening and and very welcoming feeling Here it's the opposite of what I was Expecting I don't know why I expected uh Anything less than that but this event

Just makes me want to come back and this Is not sponsored I'm just a guest here Like anyone else I would want to Probably stay on site if I really could Just to stay late The Late Night 3D Flying I've been told is amazing and I Haven't been able to experience any of That Um just You're never going to be able to see it All here ever and uh I I've only Scratched the surface with Jonah so Anyway I thank you guys so much for oh it's Just like beautiful patio seating over Here I almost fell just beautiful patio Seating out over the view of Journal I Thank you guys so much from the bottom Of my heart for watching this video I Hope some of you enjoyed what I was able To capture I I don't know hopefully I Can piece something together the rain Has thrown me off and it's definitely uh Not allowed me to provide the content That I was hoping to provide I got here I spent my time on a rainy day at General I still had fun but it probably Didn't make the best videos but I'm I'm Grateful to God for getting me here safe For getting my family to where they are Safe so that I could be here and for you Guys watching that make the channel what It is

I'm I'm thankful to our patreon Supporters we couldn't do what we do Without your amazing support and I Encourage you guys to to get your feet Wet in the RC plane hobby it's amazing It's just filled with amazing people if You're wondering what the best first Plane to fly would be I'll have that Linked In the description box below for You to check it out and I wish Abby was Here to say this but thanks for watching Guys we'll see in the next video bye [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Thank you

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