YOU WON’T BELIEVE THIS RC PLANE CRASH!!- E-Flite Ultimate 3d Biplane

Check out the Ultimate 3D rc biplane here:
Nate has some possible exciting plans for the channel in the future, so he decided to get out one of our favorite biplanes to get some practice behind the sticks. This is the E-Flite Ultimate 3d rc biplane. We love it! Nate had some good flights on it, but crashed when Abby was getting drone shots of him flying it! We can’t believe we caught a crash from a birds eye view!
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.


Check out the smart biplane here:
Transmitter Nate flew on:
We Would recommend this transmitter though since it has more channels for just a little bit more money:
3s Battery:
4S Battery:
Smart Battery Checker:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jeff Buys, Jeff Stone, Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Matt Reetz, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, odatsteve, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ron Erickson, Ryan Alexander, Steve Tippy, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Brian Buckstiegel, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, and Jason day

#rcplane #rcairplane #crash

I just want to fly we've got zero mile An hour winds uh t-shirt weather so We're breaking that for this season Which is amazing I put new landing gear On my biplane so I'm excited to test That out and maybe add a little Expo to This plane I don't think I've flown any Expo on this yes I have converted to the Dark side Time to fly let's go You nervous No uh okay maybe I don't know you ready Yep I guess there's like one mile an hour Wind Let's go I just want to fly for fun today so That's what we're gonna try to do [Music] Why this play Nathan why did you pick This one to fly today I know I've got Some secret agenda coming off there you Go that's that's what I was wanting you To talk about secret agenda it may or May not happen we'll see we don't like To give away too much until it's Actually happened but I've got plans we Got plans yeah that was low wasn't it so I have uh way more Expo in this than I'm Used to Flying I put 40 why is that Going off that shouldn't be happening Apparently I need to lower that so I Might just land this and put a fresh Battery in and adjust it and uh turn it

On vibrate Foreign [Music] I'm just trying to get a feel for this I Put 40 Expo on the ailerons which is way Higher than I usually do but I think it Feels good elevators like 25 which That's why I took a second to pull up Out of that dive Um Rudder 20 so way higher than I'm used To so it's almost like re-maidening an Airplane And I think we might have a full scale Taken off behind us so what I'm going to Do is just land right And put a fresh battery in adjust that Alarm Have fun watching the full scale now you Need to redeem yourself on the landing Well we'll forget on that last one so There we go much better oh and bad good Job okay we'll put a fresh battery in Adjust it watch the full scale take off And just have some fun today All right [Music] Foreign I need to learn to fly with a purpose Does that make sense I thought the purpose is to fly and not Crash well a lot of times I punch it and I don't really have a purpose while I'm Flying Oh no well I mean that's like reading

The instructions you don't do that to my Flight right that's what I kind of need Is it just a method to it all method to The madness I think we've got a landing coming in But here watch me Abby I can bring it down very quick He's going the other way right now Look at that I look good thanks that was A good method to your Madness Love the bottom of that plane [Music] Oh my God Hello I just I like flying this thing And I I really get a just it's not 3D Really but it's as 3D as I get honestly That was a little squirrely wasn't it You're uh I'm hearing uh okay all right He should he's got some people up and is Playing right now yeah and he's just Kind of circling yeah They just did a gender reveal up here And uh I think their little boy and Maybe dad or somebody is in the plane so They're just kind of puts it around for Fun it's a beautiful day so why not Beautiful day there's a lot of activity Going here you can get up there show Them the planes okay let's get up there We'll Chase it it's way higher guys Don't worry RC can be deceiving not even close And probably pop in one more fresh Battery I can hear his engine idling

Down so he's probably gonna relax I Don't know though usually interesting Day of flying for the channel today Usually he lands in the grass way over There so Foreign S are good today thank you Don't hit me [Applause] Then you're ready to go okay just like That you ready I'm ready [Applause] [Music] Oh I got a lot of prop wash off of him So funny [Music] It's not often that Nate just gets to Come up here and Pick what he wants to fly I'll try yeah We are constantly oh new release this And but he really wanted to fly a Biplane today So that's all I'll say There's I've got something funky going I Don't know my Telemetry that was fun Let's do that I've got to really sort That out so if you hear phone buzz noise I'll try to do that again I did it this way I'm just my least favorite way to do Things I couldn't pull the knife inside That scared me [Music]

Not smooth that will drop scary Looks good though Yeah this is why I wanted to fly this Plane just to get a feel for Awesomeness You know it can really do The hill is a lot closer than anything Yeah and the X-Men the elevator I think I got a little too much for my comfort Zone I'm sick of this there we go it's Very distracting you're buzzing I'm sure Trying yeah very when you're flying with A buzzing transmitter it's a little Distracting I don't know why it's doing that because I don't think it's done that in previous Flights Do a hammerhead are you ready hammerhead What now hammerhead uh okay a nice good One Well there's a hammerhead this where we Go out and then you brought her over Again and then I like to do a spin an Extra out of it so here's what I wanted To do my box Loop Right Was that cool was that a box loop with An extra little Pizzazz no it was a box Loop A little Pizzazz so let's see if I can Do this again Oh I'm just trying some different stuff It's it's hard so let's go inverted up Half Loop

Um hurt my brain sorry Try it again this is how we get better Right With the buzzing radio let's try it Without starting inverted so let's do it Like this we're gonna go up Half Loop over half Loop down oh nope Those are safe let's just save the plane And not worry about the maneuvers you Know what I'm trying to do it's a half Roll per bank I think you need some Simulator right time here Down and then and then you pull out of It and it's just not I'm really confused I'm not a show pilot You guys I'm trying to learn some new Things yeah I need some simulator time If I want to actually learn new stuff All right I'm ready to chase you for These beautiful Chase shots here on what They're saying throughout this video Let's Play get it back in one piece Let's do a nice slow knife edge over the Runway And then I'll be happy and we'll turn Away Uh we'll see how low anyway Whoa slow it down boy yeah I forgot Sometimes I forget you know throttle Control and then I'm flying at a Different angle right now too because of The sun over there [Music] Okay let's get it in a little closer for

One more knife edge than a landing Now you know what I think my I think my Battery's out That's my oldest 4S battery I own yeah All right let's do some Chase Abby we Got this all right I'm having fun flying Trying to learn a couple new things Slothily obviously no flight simulator Time before I came out here so let's see What we can do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm pretty sure we said something well He was flying before he filmed the Drone Hopefully it ends well Laughs It did not although it doesn't look bad At all I told him it looked like he Brought it down soft for my drone The prop's not even broken is it Yeah the prop's fine He said it felt like his Rudder gave out While he was flying because I knew we Didn't have this camera on so you guys Had no idea why that just fell out of This guy brings back really good Memories of Death Valley it does doesn't It this is like death Hill That's what Death Valley was all about It's picking the right pie I feel like I should give it a diagnosis

Everybody wants to see it right yes it Looks fine from my perspective What happened poor piloting poor yeah Silent air I really do if you watch the Video I really do think that while I was Knife edging My right at my right Rudder twitched A Couple times and I think it's pretty Obvious when it does to those of you That like to re-watch and like look I don't think I'm making that up we'll See I don't know I just lost orientation I think is probably what happened but I Really do think there was like a little Bit of Rudder twitch there that happened When I was holding a knife edge but Let's do a throttle test Safest way to do this is always on the Ground and not pointing towards the Camera person Props fine it's all still balanced Luckily it came down a nice soft tall Grass so Uh I really thought that this would be Unfiable after that because it had a Little speed up so I'm really happy I Will absolutely fly this again got to Figure out what's going on with my Telemetry because it keeps going off I Don't know why this is my nx6 and I use This all the time so really not sure why That's going on I use new batteries and Old batteries so I don't think it has Anything to do with the battery but

Otherwise this is just really fun to fly And I I got lucky this time I get to Come home in one piece look I think this Is the best time anyone could ever Mention this to fly with AMA you never Know I mean you could be the best most Skilled pilot in the world you just try To do a new maneuver that you've never Done before or at a different angle or Whatever and you lose orientation these Things come down pretty quickly and Easily but I think this shows the Durability and resilience of these Planes too regardless I highly recommend You fly with AMA it's the Academy of Model Aeronautics it's an insurance Program sure I just hit a grassy Hillside but if I was coming in at a Different angle that could have been Someone's car uh you know you know a Person whatever so really happy that I'm Insured hey man will be linked in the Description box below next to this Airplane where you can pick it up if you Want to fly on exactly what I was flying On saying batteries and radio and Everything and using that link does help To help Dad bring using that link does Help to support our Channel and our Family it keeps us going Abby and I need The caffeine really or the videos would Stop so when you use those links it does Help to get the caffeine in the blood to Make the videos happen and we thank you

And guys I think it's more important now Than ever at least it falls on my heart To say I'm not going home in a bad mood as a Matter of fact The plane hit the Hillside and we just Got out and had fun you know as a little Family and everything Um so I thank God for just keeping my Anxiety and stress and stuff low and This type of thing happens I'm lucky and Blessed enough that I have more than one Airplane so if I crash one I know I can Probably fix it if it does crash pretty Badly and today I got super lucky and I Get to come home in one solid amazing Piece I'm so pumped and and for that in Life in general today was just a great Day I thank God thank God for my wife my Family my my kids and uh just all of it All of you guys watching let's just get Corny together for a second thank you I Thank God for you guys really I really Do uh you've given us a strong purpose In life we have our own purposes but Everybody watching and some of you guys That have been watching forever our Patreon the list that we say at the end Of every video but we've got guys like Ferrell McGovern A durka wall cakes where are you durka Wallkex I haven't seen you in a while These names resonate and I remember you Forever because you're a part of our

Family you're part of our Channel and we Would not be doing this I wouldn't have Come out here with the camera today if Not for you guys and so hopefully this Video helps encourage someone for this Flying season just because Nate's out Here knife edging and snap rolling and Then recovering from a knife edge snap Roll that was really cool and fun it Doesn't matter if you're just flying in Circles and you crash most of the time You can repair it so don't get Discouraged we all crash and uh just Know that I'm grateful for you so we got More videos planned I've got some fun Stuff planned I don't know if it'll Happen I hope it does because I'm really Excited to bring it to you and uh we Thank you we'll have another awesome Video popping up right about now thanks For watching we'll see you there Foreign

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