$100 RC Airplane CAN Smoke!!! – Qidi-550

Check out this rc airplane here:
This is the Qidi-550, an RC plane under $100 and apparently ours can smoke! LoL…not in good way. We love bringing you guys honest content. Our ESC caught on fire and came unsoldered. Let us know your thoughts about this RC airplane in the comments.
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The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Today's a great day to be a subscriber To the RC Sailors because I have found a Good deal this airplane is completely Ready to fly servos everything I mean Battery charger radio and all under a Hundred dollars we haven't seen a deal Like this on the channel since Probably about three years ago airplanes Sub 100 just don't exist anymore but This one does today A lot of times what Happens when we feature something like This on the channel is it's short-lived Which is why I say it's a great day to Be a subscriber because probably Tomorrow or the day after this will Either be sold out or the price will Have gone up even if this is a bad Airplane and if it is I will tell you People will still buy this just because Of the price point because it comes with A radio the plane and this is that very Durable bendable hard to break I think It's called Epp or EPO I cannot remember Foam and it does take a little bit of Assembly more than I thought you have to Glue the main stuff on like the Horizontal stabilizer vertical the main Wing a little bit of gluing but I did That with my hot glue gun and uh we'll See how it flies if it's good get Excited if it's not some of you will Still get excited just because of that Price so let's put it in the air and see How it does by the way it's linked in

The description box below let's go check This out this is really cool where the Battery goes and you guys are obviously Going to want to see it's a jst plugged 2s and it comes with 520 milliamp battery so a little bit big Probably put like an 800 maybe thousand Milliamp in there ready ready let's go So this plane has whoa did not expect it To be so quick you know what I actually Took off without flight stabilization on And I thought it was in it so that's why It took off so quickly uh yeah I didn't Expect it to be so fast either now I Kicked it over to flight stabilization When you heard it Go Peep that was Flight stabilized mode so now we're just Flying in beginner cruising easy fly-in Kind of trainer mode it's a little windy Today if I had to guess I'd say maybe Six or seven miles an hour of wind with Slightly stronger gusts and as you guys Can probably tell there's a lot of wing Waggle going on okay there's a aileron Over sensitivity but it is keeping it in The air so it's not gonna it's not gonna Be like your best first airplane but With the stabilized mode on it's keeping It in the air I mean I got to give it Credit where credit's due I don't know why my radio is singing to Me like that I think that's every minute It does that so kind of like the arrows Planes uh let's go

Flight stabilized off Yeah there we go And that's how I took off the airplane So there's one more cool thing this Airplane can do if I don't crash it I'm Going to show that to you let's go back Into stabilize mode because I definitely Need to trim this up oh sorry Since when do you do that What's wrong The ESC is on fire right now Done I haven't seen white smoke on an Electric plane in a long time so Uh My battery is really hot just so you Know and I told you guys listen that's The other beauty of being a subscriber To our Channel we don't hold back we Have shown Airplanes that Horizon has sent us Exploding on camera and if you know Banggood or whatever there's a plane That exists FMS any any company it doesn't matter And that's why we sadly burned some Bridges uh for for you guys yeah excuse Me this happens so what happened I put It back in stabilized mode Wing waggle Just trying to recover from that Craziness and it touched down now the Crash wasn't bad at all the foam held up Extremely well this is a great airplane As far as the foam goes what happened Was I didn't kill my throttle right in

Time so I had a little bit of resistance From the ground with my prop on for About one second which was enough for it To shut down so when I walked up on it I Don't know if Abby got it on camera or Not nope that's fine I walked up on it And I tried to give it a little bit of Elevator Aileron control and I realize it's not Working so I disconnected the battery And when I turned my radio off and Connected the battery back in because This airplane is actually battery in the Plane first it started smoking I heard a Sizzle I saw smoke two seconds later I Quickly disconnected it I've crashed a Lot of airplanes and I usually don't get White smoke after such an easy landing And I filmed your little Landing crash Terribly time that's okay because it was Unexpected Um it's a cool airplane I love the Durability factor of it I love the form Factory the foam itself Um but I didn't love how it was flying It was not handling the wind well at all And then I did crash it and I've flown a Lot of things you guys although This Plane might not be the best plane out There hopefully you realize there's some Great value to our Channel what I want To tell you before you go is that Because you took the time to tune in to Watch this airplane I'd like to offer

Two different options that are flat foam Flyers that'll be linked in the Description box below now what I want to Do is still link this because there's Still going to be people that want to Know you can click it and buy it if you Want to but I showed you my experience There's two better performing one is by Radio link the other is by Horizon They'll be linked in the description box Below if you like this style of airplane So it's not a complete waste of time and I'm going to encourage you guys because I fly all kinds of things planes Helicopters anything that you can put in The air with a radio I like to fly and And it doesn't matter if it's under a Hundred dollars or thousands of dollars You never know when a crash could happen So I'm going to encourage you to fly With AMA that's the Academy of model Aeronautics whether it's a smoking fire Airplane or you bump into someone's car And leave a dent it's nice to know that You're covered with insurance that's Primarily what they are but they do all Sorts of other things I just went to an Event recently and AMA was present with Like 10 or 20 employees there to answer Questions you get to go to events like The Joan all event that I recently Attended because of AMA there AMA Sanctioned events when you have Ama Insurance you get to attend and fly at

These events so it's really awesome You know to be a part of that program There are a lot of benefits but again Primarily they're there for insurance so I'm pretty sad about this airplane I I Really am I was hoping it would be Better because there's one more feature I didn't get to show you guys which is Vertical flying mode that's why I say The radio link plane is definitely Better Abby and I have both flown a Handful of times so it did have hover Mode we didn't get to try that today but Even in regular airplane mode it just Wasn't that great of a flyer so hey even Though we crashed I'm still grateful we Got to get out and fly and share this Experience on camera with you guys and For that I thank God I also want to say A massive thanks to our patreon Supporters because we couldn't do what We do as often as we do without your Amazing support and if you're into flat Foamy Flyers like this a little bit of 3D capability and you want to see Something that's definitely better bang For your buck super high performance Compared to this but still not super Expensive we'll have that video popping Up right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there Thank you [Music]

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