In today's video I explain everything about the fiasco of the Olesa project in the garage complex And if you stay until the end of the video I'll show you the documentation of everything that has happened as you have asked in the forums to prove it with documentation and today I show you everything with the documentation my name is Santi And this is Jeep world in this channel you will be able to learn everything about your jeans because I know everything everything they have nothing special that's why I know everything good the whole problem is that if you can see there is a street and that street has to continue along where this ship goes until the end to that road there and it is because it is accepted in a partial plan of the Olesa City Council of which we had not been informed What does this mean that these ships all the ships of the margaret complex that are the first ship that has a man who keeps american cars that is from here is right then there is the world ship there and the main ship of the ma complex rgaret this that we are doing right now according to the city council of olesa cannot be done why because it has no uses that it is not an opening license that is where people have confused yourselves What are the uses because it is the destination that goes away to do to the ship they have to be approved by the generalitat of Catalonia for what is this so that when there is a partial plan it is not set up, for example a nursing home or anything that later could not be removed and also the owners of the the ship as they are satisfied that they will leave when the city council requires it And that is the documentation that has not been provided to us today, October 16 and as you can see everything that is the Jeep world space already would be ready to start its activity and because of third parties who have also provided us with an email In other words, the person who rents the margaret complex has provided us with an email all this has been notified to him by mail and he is ignoring to give us the documentation And now I will explain to you From when this good thing comes And here we also have another injured party who in this case is Xavi the unwary we both have a contract for this area that is about 500 useful meters and he He is the one who has made the arrangements with the Olesa Town Hall, he has taken charge of it Well, I had a lot of work between the videos and other topics that I have in both of them, he is going to explain everything that has happened with this project and with the Olesa Town Hall Hello, Well Well, we have two contracts, Santi has his contract.
I have my contract and what we went to was the Olesa City Council, well, to request the permit to open our business, our surprise was when we went to ask for the permit, which told us that they could not give us any permit because This warehouse has no uses And what [ __ ] is it? We asked no. Well, we explained that since it was an affected warehouse in the partial plan of the Olesa Town Hall, blah blah blah blah no. s showed everything with papers that these lands have been affected for a long time by a partial management plan that, well, for whatever reason it is affected, it may one day be executed, it may not be previously affected. In other words, nothing definitive can be done in these warehouses it will always be something provisional But in addition, this provisional use does not have to be authorized by the Generalitat de Catalunya, that is, not even the Olesa town hall has the power to authorize this use , that's okay, that should already be ordered before renting this because otherwise it doesn't make any sense how we are going to rent something that can't be used for anything, that is, this was said by the architecture of the Olesa City Council that in this, in these warehouses, in this land, in this, whatever it is, nothing can be done you can't move anything you can't even walk you can't have a parked car you can't use it for anything what we didn't understand is how it could be done if nothing could be done You're welcome, how can you do a coffee house that was a crowded event with lots of people and on top of that I think I also didn't really know anything or didn't know exactly how the topic worked so many people this was done between an event and the other was informed that we did not understand how without uses to carry out a business with legal means etc.
We could not do anything and instead an event without uses could be celebrated a lot of people could come here they did not understand Ok They passed us with the superior of the town hall and he tried to explain to us it's okay as best he could that it was good that it wasn't all so radical that maybe they could become something but not in the end answer almost almost political let's say and that what he came to tell us is that it's okay for this second time from home to coffee because they would put fewer people in it, they would force him to put in a series of security measures, a Socorro post, we will adapt it for all the people who come and, above all, a limited forum and security issues etc. well the capacity told us that the capacity of 100 people obviously the capacity was much more we see the videos said by the organizers themselves and everything and after this we were told that it is okay they had looked that they did not know but for the next time they may ask him to make the casan coffee Well this does not tell me anything but he had a permit In short, we asked for a permit for the ship and they also told us that for the petition to open a business had to be all electronically, we do not understand either how it turned out that there was a petition for that event and it was made by hand, it is not understood How a city council that tells you that nothing can be done electronically showed us an instance made by hand well, well, the subject, I present this request electronically as requested by the city council with my digital signature of the company with my personal digital signature, well, everything is legal, everything Through how they wanted and they answered me and I did this on September 27 and they answered me they answered me wrong with some codes well I managed to open the letter and the letter what you say there are no uses that I cannot request a license Show that letter because Then they say that we all need it.
There is no problem here . We look for it and show it. By the way, what we told you before the instance that the town hall showed us, made by hand, was presented on the 22nd, that is, INE extremes to request permission for the second event with what which on the 22nd was after a video that was made on another channel precisely denouncing that he did not have permission to hold that event, that is, he showed up in extremis after this to say that if he had you apart from that paper of having shown us from afar it was a paper made by hand obviously I understand that it is illegal because your town hall tells you that all the papers have to be electronically signed and cannot be presented and cannot be which is to say that as staff we have the name of a company, they put tea I don't know what, then obviously the company name had to come electronically, it is signed, that is, perhaps there was no time to do it electronically signed and it was requested by hand through some favoritism that the city council has I don't know or that paper was illegal wet paper I'm not going to show you the paper either Because they just showed it to us no it wasn't Yes but let's go to the important day the paper that you can see This is the letter from the city council It 's in Catalan.
I'm sorry, but basically we can translate the important points. Basically, it's a documentation requirement. I mean, they require documentation. This story has been submitted through my company. It confirms a digital personal digital signature and has certain deadlines, obviously, with which they quote me. that is, I request a permit for the sale of motor vehicles to open in this in this place with this activity and this activity I have already registered it with mine, it is etcetera that they ask me here for the documentation requirement, point number one, the justifying memory of the provisional nature of the uses and the works, that is, they ask me for the provisional nature, this we have already said before, it could never happen One definitive thing is worth point number 2, which is the most important in which Well, we need the ownership of this premises of this land Well, to authorize us important and the property and that this is important and managers managers who would be the person who rents because the one who has this place right now It is not the owner we have found out now okay that is we need the acceptance of the owners and the managers or operators or operators Exactly what are the people who rent this place to us in defined we are the users the tenants in agreement the works that I know have to be done for this adaptation of this place whatever that refers to, for example, they can tell you that in this case has already been done in this case we have already done it before because there was a Chinese warehouse here it refers to the fact that there has to be a security exit door that there have to be fire extinguishers that were already there that the electric light has to have a cable of a thickness that is also good that everything has to be legalized to be able to carry out the activity is not the case here what is needed is documentation from the party that has rented this that has rented us How much time is the issue It's this letter that comes to you, I have 10 days to answer it, that is to say, but well, you have sent the person, I have tried by all means, send it to them by WhatsApp by email, in fact, I have the contract in me, I have an official means of communication for or be concrete legalized to communicate with the manager in being the operator who rents me in agreement and that is an email that is the one that he put in this contract as the official channel for everything As long as the communications were through that legal channel, that legal channel does not answer WhatsApp, which he has also used often, because for official communications, to say something, he does not answer it or even take the calls, because until today I had not come across him Today I have tried to speak personally with him and he has told me that he has no responsibility with me, in fact, nor has he spoken to me, he ignored me to close the door and left Well, I already have the contract here, as you can see all the notifications here The notifications that must be made by the parties under the provisions of this contract will be made at the addresses indicated.
Especially with the effects of communications in section 1 in this contract, the notifications made in the following emails will also be valid. The renting party has already received several notifications of which he is ignoring and what he is doing is an American type landlord who and there are the movies coming out doing bullying to see if we're leaving because we're fucking flies but you know that we're not leaving here if you don't give us back what you have to give us back you already know what it is Well you already know no it is necessary and I will explain to you how the story began I had my rental warehouse in Manresa that I shared with two other people, then one of the people left and the warehouse was a little too big for the two of us who remained because there was a plant that we did not know I would have to make use of it and well and since it was a rental that was paid 1300 euros Well well Marc told me that he could show us this ship and in between there were some piques with the exits of the ship until the last day the ship was not emptied the thing It wasn't going very well, let's go and In short, we didn't want to come here to Olesa anymore, we had a small business with very little and when we finished them, that is, they kept their part, I kept mine, well, we were in a bank that is also recorded If he said it was a lie, it was recorded in the bank, there were cameras, we sat at a table in that bank, it is one of those Store-type offices that looks like an office instead of a bank, and there, Well, he told us, It was good that each of us did ours that everything would go very well Well, he convinced us by insisting that we come here to the novelty and we signed the contract This was on July 20 But it was signed on July 1 because that was the time we were negotiating the clauses and such and we came here so everything was adapted to the business that we had in manresa, moving it here which is now causing us heavy losses and is also here bullying us so that we leave And on top of that, it is criticizing us on social networks and all the subscribers who come here or kicks them out Well there are already several who have done it when they asked about us and well what there is in principle is that we cannot start our activity with two companies the cost price is a massive 1000 euros for this small piece.
That is , it is not a gift, it is not giving us anything apart from the electricity and the water is in the contract and little else, that is, I do not know if you have any doubts, it can also be to do a direct show, we are up to date with payment every month, both Xavi and I have been paid for the month of July, the month of August, the month of September and the month of October, that is, he has everything collected, if not, I can prove it, I have the Xavi also has bank receipts I have an automatic payment so that he can be paid automatically from my bank and as of today he is ignoring giving us the documentation, all this is a warning for Navegantes and well we will see where this ends, we from here will not we're leaving So you yourself the most curious thing about the subject is that precisely the only words that we have exchanged just today that this gentleman had no responsibility with me turns out that here the first page of the contract says the Lord manifests B Under his responsibility the sufficient validity of powers and validity of the aforementioned position and that it does not validate civil capacity and its represented in the future, the aforementioned entity will be called on certain occasions as the lessor lessor party or even expensive property For not having any responsibility with me and when it is agreed that he signed a contract with me you are a defaulter that you owe him money I don't know why you just don't want to know anything You just have to prove that I owe him money which is going to be difficult but hey, it still refers to electricity and water for a month no, he hasn't answered me yet, for example, how am I going to pay for one when this whole issue didn't exist yet, or a light that I don't know if it's true or not.
I want to see the utility bill. Well, go to the that we have consumed the same by data protection law they do not give it to you you can try but if you want to sign that they did not give us by data protection law you can do it I suppose that with a contract you will They will also say that you do not have a contract, I think I do have a contract right now, a piece of paper, my separate contract, I think it is the second sheet that says that the farm is in perfect condition and use of utility, utility, I do not know which one, or second part that you can come here no you can't come here you can't come here that is let's see we're done or we don't clear up let's see city hall lies to us true or not true if you can come you can come if you can't come you can't come you can't having two sides of the same coin or yes Well at the legal level Maybe not but at the political level Surely yes man if an event can be held it is that it can come maybe both sides of the coin we have one side and he has another well nothing you who have peels are a family of Catalan pears from there in the mountains, so you denounce banana or orange potato peels that work well and the conclusion of this video Although it is still a little rough for subscribers it is just to inform that we have a nice place of 500 meters and a thousand and some euros for a warehouse that according to the town hall you can't have either.
Neither that part nor this part of the warehouse But well, we still don't have this in writing when we have it, we can also show it to you and this would be the warehouse of the world there and the unsuspecting world as we have it, which is in perfect use of conservation in perfect condition with the small windows everything in perfect condition with the security door with the alarm with the cars from here and well we leave it here for today and if you like what we do if there is any technician in uses who wants to help us who wants to help the Channel to get out of this so that this does not ruin us what is the scammer trying to do And if there is someone in the channel some technician architect who wants to collaborate with the channel to help us solve this problem with the city council of Olesa, we would greatly appreciate it.
We are very sorry to have to make this video, but after having shared a I have been with this person for five years, but he is proving that he is a very bad person , time will tell, there are already enough people who have been left in the gutter, but well, we did not expect this and what all this entails is loss of money every month that don't lead anywhere I guess it doesn't benefit him either but it's harming us And if you like what we do, subscribing to the channel is a great help for us if you subscribe, you just have to press a button it's free too Like the video and share it on your social networks or wherever you can And if you want Any news you can go to Instagram or tiktok what happens on tiktok we have a hater also an American hater who every time we post a video tells him that my own voice I don't have authorization to use it and it blocks me The sound of the video will already know why it does it Thank you and well in all this mess the curious thing about this topic is that I didn't want to do it from Channel no I mean me they convinced and now, well, this is like if you take a friend of yours, you put him on a skyscraper and when he gets to the top you push him so that he falls down from the skyscraper, but well , in the end, all of this is what it is, where is the world, Jeep, where is the canal and everything that is happening because we have also been criticized for telling the truth because we said that the event could not be held when we said so, it is not possible to hold the event, a permit was then requested from the town hall, it was given only for 100 people 500 attended also the security measures are not adequate or those required by law for an event of this type security is 0 there is a road that does not have a fence there are holes along the way where people can be killed but all this it is made public because you are tripping us Well we make a Kit Kat so much blah blah blah blah blah I am going to show you a beautiful thing I am anti Land Rover but a friend of mine has been explaining to me that in Germany they are in Germany and in the United States they are crazy about these cars, I will explain what it is And if there is any subscriber who also wants to contribute something, leave it in the comments about these cars, it would be very useful, this would be a first generation Range Rover with three doors and 2.4 vm engine The engine is a firecracker But well there are some who say that it is not and for those who like it or who want to have a classic diesel Range Rover it is a unit that is Perfect chassis that has special wheels that do not They correspond to the model that has an aluminum support on the front, just today a friend of ours came who is also interested in buying it from us and he has brought two batteries and we have started the first one, I am going to put it in a video Also so that you can see if it starts in a Land Rover that we recovered from the scrapyard and the car started the first one last time it's very ugly but in the figure almost the same How much dirt patients lousy with a lot of bait for It seems to be a fairly well preserved kilometer its clock has air conditioning does not work obviously it is a Range Rover electric windows and its beautiful roof destroyed we have removed the cows I do not know if you remember that here they had the cows it looks better we have also removed the kennel of the dog that was inside These are the old batteries that is the kennel that is the kennel of the dog that was in the trunk and it is a car that, although you do not know it, restored in Germany you can look at it, it is worth 60,000 euros good eye and we continue with the ruin of olesa project