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Tower Hobbies is back with a brand new release! This is their new and improved version of the ASW 28 2.0m PNP rc glider plane. This soar plane is HUGE and fun! In this video, we maiden this rc plane for you. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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Check out the new ASW 28 2.0m PNP here:
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The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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I couldn't be more thrilled or more Proud to be bringing this video to you Guys introducing the Tower Hobbies ASW 28. this is a two meter wingspan glider With a folding prop it is a 4S capable Airplane and I hope sincerely that it Warms some of your all's Hearts watching This as much as it has warmed mine to Just see the little arrow or house with The circle around it Tower Hobbies is Coming back they've still existed but Their line of unique products has kind Of dwindled down and now we finally see Something new back with Tower Hobbies And it is very exciting I hope this does Well the isw 28 guys that has the very Awesome wing tips as would be expected Those do clip on and off with the little Sliding tab mechanism optional so you Can take those off and probably have it Be a little bit more aerobatic this Entire canopy while we're looking at the Front of the plane does just pop right Off I do like that Tower went with an EC3 plug so our EC3 or ic3 smart Batteries will fit very nicely the last Asw-28 I think we had on the channel was Seven years ago Abby and I watched that Video together last night to reminisce We don't do that very often and uh we Were just kids just throwing videos out On YouTube it was really funny to watch It but they had a banana plug in there So we haven't seen those in years and I
Love the ASW 28 traditional massive Vertical stabilizer in the back with a Fairly large Rudder to be honest that Control surface is fairly big but what Really makes this plane this glider Stand out from any other glider is that Elevated horizontal stabilizer or Elevator control surface back here I Love that it sits on top of the rudder It just has has the perfect traditional ASW 28 glider look and yes we do have One single wheel on the bottom it's a Very nice dense foam and it should hold Up really well we have skid plates all Over protecting our servos so if the Wing tip does come down and it will when You land you've got a nice skid plate There to protect it flaps okay it's a Great looking airplane those flaps run What looks like to be two-thirds of the Wing and then ailerons there on the Final third of the wing and I'm really Excited to put this in the air because Of the size of this being two meters I Did have to take off One Wing for Transportation but you see that aluminum I think it's aluminum it's probably not Sealed but the metal rod for the wing Tube and I love the fact that the wing Just plugs into the fuselage you do not Have to mess with Servo wires do you Know me with hand launches I hate them So I'm stalling getting a little nervous Getting a little anxious but we gotta
Fly so let's go Foreign [Music] All right work The Kinks out I think He's got it Good all right it's in the air Hand launches make me about as nervous As they make him it was great that was Really good it could have been smoother Hand launched but it's flying perfect I Almost need no trim look at this A little touch of aileron trim now this Is a 4S 2200 milliamp battery in the Instructions it says if you were under Power the whole time you'd have a four Minute flight so we'll test the battery At the end of this flight and see where It's at I don't have Telemetry set up on This receiver but I could I could do That unless I don't think I do I'll look When I get on the ground I might have Trimmed that up too much to the right Oh my goodness it's so amazing Amazing that Tower Hobbies is back in The new playing game I am so in love With this it pieced together really Really well I enjoyed the process Nothing difficult it felt very similar To an e-flight plane Oh it just looks amazing we are no it Says a four minute flight under power But a glider like this the goal is to Get like a half a 45 minute flight on a Little 2200 milliamp battery it's all
About efficiency but because this is YouTube and trying to keep it you know Low and close to the camera so here's Full flaps I don't have elevator mixed In and that's really nice I'm not Pushing down elevator or anything not Having to adjust for that look at this I Want to give a little throttle Still getting used to it Now what everybody wants to know out of That we're going to climb it Full Throttle here we go Yeah this is capable of flying to the Moon And then zero throttle the ESC break is On by default with the Spectrum setup I'm using in the es8 it's already in There the electronics are Tower Hobbies Electronics they are not Spectrum so That's probably going to keep costs down A little bit if this were an e-fight E-flight plane I'm guessing the cost Would be maybe 60 80 more because of Those Electronics so actually because of That I know we don't have Telemetry Um although the receiver is capable of Limited Telemetry even when you are just Using other branded Electronics so I'll I'll check when we're on the ground I Just can't remember uh what receiver I Put in there it's the only extra one I Had so look at this nose in the wind Half flaps got a little climbed there Because of the speed the nose is in the
Wind I can feel the wind I can feel the Kiting we don't have a strong Breeze Today like three miles an hour enough to Make it cold enough to make Very cold so Power out of that Had a little little breeze over that Hill over there enough to affect it at Zero throttle so I had to give it a Little power guys we're gonna test a Couple things on this I know people Might not love doing loops on it or Anything like that but we are gonna We're gonna try a loop the roll rate Feels good so we might even try a roll On this enough aileron Authority but Right now we're just going to go for a Loop so trying to keep it fairly fairly Easy we don't want to go nuts oh that's Great though this is a very capable Airplane to do loops that was really Nice 4S power is fantastic and let's Abby let's try it let's see what the Roll rate looks like oh yeah we can do Rolls on this that's good that's good It's not a stunt plane do you have to do Elevator input on that role I'll tell You one more time let's try it That's just straight wow so if I do give A little bit of elevator it would help Smoothen it up some and let's go in for A nice Fast zero throttle dive here Always love how gliders sound oh yeah
Whoosh bye with zero throttle and let's Give you guys a pass with power now this Won't be Full Throttle but we're gonna Go for about half throttle Could do a show pass and Full Throttle Into a climb And let's see if we have any Rudder no Not really But a little we can do something about Our videos if we want Yeah I didn't film that well at all but It sounded good do you want to get Another one of those so people can hear It Yeah Runner Runner authorities there it Helps when the banking turns to smooth It up some so let's go Listen everyone Abby and I love doing these passes now a True test of that strange elevator setup Is going to be an inverted flight can it Maintain upside down so the safe way to Get into a glider inverted flight would Be a loop And then instead of rolling out of it Just see if you can maintain because if Your roll rate's a little slow on Lighters so if you try to roll into Inverted flight at least when you're Learning Um you you can really get into trouble There because you might not be able to Roll out of it in time but if you can Just climb into a loop and you don't
Like the inverted feel you can just pull Out of the loop and uh maintain flight Those red wingtips just look so good and By the way I'm giving maybe 15 to 20 up Elevator to maintain this so not much It's doing well inverted I'm really Happy with this we're going to try an Outside Loop when we get over here which Is why I'm still up a little bit let's Go how much roll am I gonna have to uh It doesn't love that outside Lube so and Then Abby we gotta do it will it snap Oh my gosh No So you know what we are going to do is a Nice cubanate out here I think we can Handle it Yeah there's enough roll rate to pull Off a cubanite And guys it says a four minute flight Under power but you know what we need to Check some stall tendencies I'm just wondering how much juice we'll Have left after this flight but I'll Tell you what this is a fantastic Maiden Oh my goodness Asw28 but more importantly Tower Hobbies It's amazing we'll have it linked in the Description box below for those of you That are just drooling as much as I am Happy I've been nothing but smiles this Whole flight Okay so let's do zero throttle uh stall Tendencies after I get out of this
Zero throttle right here we're High Enough For YouTube's sake we could fly much Higher uh if this weren't for YouTube Hair Up trim still just the hair still needs Trimmed up a little bit is this zero Throttle guys giving very minimal Aileron input just so you can see Kind of stall Tendencies it's gliding Really well it's a very cold day we have No thermals we have very little wind to Help us stay in the air and I'm not Using flaps right now but look at this And I'm going to try to just maintain I'm not going to dive into this I'm just Trying to maintain here This Glides extremely well as good as it Looks and I'm powering up because I Don't want to stall on this bank here So that was under power about five Minutes of flight uh with you know I Mean I don't know how long we've been in The air Abby you can tell me almost Eight eight minutes so I've glided under Zero throttle For a total of about three minutes and With power we're looking at about five Minutes because my transmitter keeps Track of that so I think it's time to land and because This Glides so well and has so much Speed I think I'm going to need flaps
On this Landing to slow it down but I Want to bring it in right to left Okay so we're gonna bring it down see How quickly we can get it to slow down We might even commit to full Flex it Almost looks like a jet airliner with Those Servo protectors over all of the Servos on the aileron it just looks Really cool Okay so right here we're gonna go full Flaps slow it down and before we touch Down I'll probably go to half flaps We're going to push that noise down at Zero throttle I'm gonna try to touch Down in front of us so you guys can see That one wheel in action there's half Flaps and I definitely need some power Because uh we're losing our air speed Okay zero throttle see what we can do Here oh power Oh I broke my prop I am so embarrassed by that it's because I gave it power trying to get it closer For a touchdown in front of us and I Just snapped my problem Landing oh I'm a little embarrassed that I did that Honestly it shouldn't have happened and I think that if it weren't so cold out It's like 30 degrees today actually like 27 Fahrenheit uh I don't think that Plastic would have broken if that was a Warm day it probably would have just Scuffed the prop and not snapped it uh It broke though I mean what happened was
I came in I I could have just landed Where I was but I wanted to get it Closer to the camera I like to land as Close to the camera as possible so you Guys can see in detail and come in for a Nice smooth landing and I powered on Close enough for that too just Nick the Runway and it snapped that's a very very Easy repair they'll probably just sell The spinner the whole thing together I'm Thinking that's usually how they are but If not two screws just uh to replace Both of those Prop halves and I'll be back in the air Otherwise there's no damage at all I Just gave it power when it was basically On the ground Tails tucked between my weapons to the Best of them it does but it's just Annoying because I was such a great Maiden I wanted to fly it again now I Can't till I get a new product yeah we Brought the Drone for me to chase it we Were going to but see that's why it's Annoying so otherwise that was really Awesome that's a two meter airplane oh My goodness uh and it's a great plane If This Were any brand airplane I'd say woo You know good airplane but I'm 10 times More excited because of this right here You guys and so I'm thinking if this is A success and people support it we might See more planes from Tower Hobbies I Love that it's fantastic now the
Newcomers and the hobby you might not Even be aware of Tower Hobbies because You're new in the hobby the last thing We did with the Tower Hobbies playing on The channel was probably a good five Years ago right it's been a while and The ASW 28 was seven years ago and it Was you know smaller completely Different airplane but that is crazy This will be linked in the description Box below for the size of airplane and Everything you're getting that is Fantastically well-rounded glider that's A little bit sporty It's an amazing price I love tower for Their prices and the good thing about Gliders like this is that you don't have To have and I don't have safe set up They're so docile and big and easy to See and it's very true the bigger the Plane the easier it is to fly so if you Want to try a big airplane I don't think You're going to find a two meter Airplane much cheaper than this Knight Six four no six four so it's over the Hat probably adds about two inches maybe One That's amazing though and so like I said It's linked below using that link helps To support our Channel and our family at No extra cost to you and occasionally You might catch this on sale even Through our links so when Tower runs Their random sales you can click our
Link use their coupon codes maybe save a Few bucks but they probably won't put This on sale for a while because it's Brand new guys this was fun and I am so Grateful for today this beautiful blue Skies and very calm winds really for Middle of the winter like this and for That I thank God I also want to say a Massive thanks to our patreon supporters For supporting everything we do your Direct support means the absolute world To us going into 2023 if you value Family friendly content especially in The RC world and you don't want to see That go away or slow down please Consider supporting us it'd be a great Time to sign up I've got a couple open Slots for the top tier patreon support We can text about video games we can Text about airplanes whatever you want To talk about and so that is a couple Slots are open on that now so that would Be great to see someone sign up it might Be a good time Abby to link our Seven-year-old video of the other asw28 If you guys can get past Babyface nay And us being goofy and not really Knowing what we're doing but still Having fun it was uh it was really fun When we sat there and watched that Together uh and here's the crazy thing That airplane at the time seven years Ago was 90 you really should check out What money can buy ninety dollars seven
Years ago it's kind of insane and it Makes me feel really old that video is Popping up right about now thanks for Watching we'll see you there Foreign