Ep.13: B-26B-50 Invader – Finishing the build – ICM – 1/48 scale model

in the previous episode we did a lot 
of weathering on this b26 invader.  Today we are going to put all the bits 
and bobs together to complete this build.   Let's go! The assembly will start with 
attaching the engines where they belong   and this should be fairly straightforward job 
because the attachment points are quite positive.   I'm going to use mr cement deluxe for this, applying 
glue on both surfaces. Some time to hold them in is   necessary with this glue because it is not as fast 
setting as the other types the mr.cement S and the SP.  The next thing to do is to put the 
engine cowlings in place. The fit is rather good   but still we'll need to make sure that the tops 
and the back of the cowlings are flush so later we   don't have any issues with the fitment of the cowl 

That's why i'm going to glue them in place   one by one. Now let's put the cowling flaps on. One 
advice i have here is don't remove these from the   sprues until you're ready to glue and then remove 
them one by one because each of them is going to   a specific location so it probably will not fit 
unless placed on its target location. Another piece    of advice from me would be to dry fit first each 
and every one of these flaps because sometimes   the exhaust stacks are sitting a little bit too 
proud and they're pushing the flaps outwards. Now let's go to the most intimidating part of 
the assembly for me personally. I will get the   glue inside using one of these micro brushes 
because the brush that comes with the glue is   not going to reach down there.

As usual glue 
is also applied on the other side so that we   can have both surfaces melted. And it is time for 
the gear leg to permanently get fixed in position.   All right so far so good. Now let's try and 
tread these lines in. They're excessively long so   i can push them into the openings and they can 
stay in place right inside. Because if they're too   short the fishing line springs back and this can 
be very annoying. Okay those are threaded in place   and it's now time to apply some super glue 
inside so we can secure their positions.   I don't know if this was worth all the effort but it 
is there.

One more line to put in. There we go! As usual links to most tools and materials i use 
can be found in the description of this video. Now this is another occasion of really hard job 
to do. Here we have resin wheels which are weighted   and they're very nice and detailed but when the 
wheels are weighted you cannot just place them in   any way. So in order to have a good three wheels 
standing on the ground i did everything that   i know and can do in order to align the wheels 

Now i will secure them with some amount   of ca glue trying to be extremely careful not to 
make the glue too obvious for everyone watching.   And we'll leave this to cure so i can count on 
the joints and flip the aircraft around once again. While waiting for the wheels to 
here let's install the bomb bay doors.   The fit there is nice except that i really 
don't like how the bomb racks are mounted   the fit is extremely flimsy i already broken 
them in a few occasions on top of that.   Now let's take a break and attach some less 
demanding details like the turrets for example.   While i'm gluing parts together let me share 
with you some statistics from this project.   It began on the 3rd of march 2021 
and i finished it on july the 7th   of 2022. So 16 months in the making. Probably I 
should have named the channel captain slow models.   For this time i generated over 400 gigabytes of 
footage, 2 400 raw images. Of those pictures i have   900 uploaded on my patreon page in addition to 
the 38 video updates i started the build with.

Those of you who are new to the build i 
highly recommend watching the entire series   playlist now that every video is published 
you can watch the build as one whole thing.   Also a big shout out to elegoo 
for enabling the creation   of the napalm tanks, and i'm sure many 
more parts and details in the future.   You can find a link to their 3d printing 
solutions in the description of this video. Now let's put the aerial on. I have this ak rigging 
material which is a little bit too small for the   scale but since i don't have any other currently 
it will have to do. And as always it is a… let's   just say troublesome part of any build for me. 
Now let's glue it to the mast on the front. Good and let's hope that it does not s tear from the 
area of the tail.

And the second thread i will   super glue in this hole that's near the tail. 
okay and then this will hopefully get glued right here now let's put the propellers on next week i will be posting images of the 
completed model in the community tab so make sure   you follow that. Big thank you to all my patreon 
members for supporting the channel and making all   this possible and thanks to everyone for watching 
and until next time happy modeling fellows.

As found on YouTube

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