NEW & MOST DETAILED Axial SCX10 Ever! CJ-7 Jeep Renegade

Check out this Axial SCX10 CJ-7 here:
This is the newest and most detailed Axial SCX10 III yet. This is the CJ-7 Jeep Renegade. In this video we unbox this new RC car for you and take it out for a drive/crawl. Let us know your thoughts about the RC in the comments.
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#rc #rccar #axial

I bring you the brand new axal scx 103 Jeep CJ7 this is going to be Axel's most Scaled SCX10 3 yet and I cannot wait to Show it to you guys and run it let's go Knife Please as always upside Down Okay that's a toy for a millia for Christmas where's my coffee cup I heard About Oh there's cup holders I see them hey Axal good job on the cup holders look at This Nathan it has a Hidden candy compartment it's us I think Here we go here we go hidden candy Compartment jelly beans could fit in There oh No zomes this is one of my most exciting Things we've got a pop can this is the Whole reason we got this ax here it Is I think we're going to have to get Some type of glue though so that Actually stays when it RS if you roll it You're going to lose that puppy even Better a here we go this why Abby's this Is her truck now look at that I believe That has the seal brand on it no I don't Know it is a thermos and I feel like a Missed opportunity to have an Axal maybe maybe that will wrap it you Know what axal should make real thermos They should compete with Yeti um we we Got one as a gift one

Timey look at that there ready is that a Mountain Dew can on the side for me and A coffee for you that's about Accurate Tool some other stuff so the doors do Open and close we have to pop a body Clip Abby I'll let you you got yeah I Can't and there goes never be SE again There you go the door Opens and closes you know what there's a Decent amount of space in there you Might be able to fit like a action Figure or Something pck crew Nate pit crew Nate Hey at least I get the bubble Wrap milia will be so jealous there we Go hey I will give them this we've got The good transmitter which I think Should be included in literally Everything Horizon makes I I don't see Any reason why they should ever cut that Out because you have Telemetry I love Telemetry you know how much juice is Left in your RC and then this allows for One-handed driving and steering which I Can do anyway cuz I'm tall I guess but For those of you that are not as tall as Me there you go yeah they need an Extender for their Extender that's not going To nope what's down here Jeep over here What is this and this deer it is deer Season so we should not be out here very Long we're risking our lives for you

Guys I uh I would have liked to have seen a Hood that would fold because you've got Your hinges here so it would have been Nice that that would open and close for Battery access man that would have been Great for ease of use uh unfortunately That's kind of a missed opportunity on a Jeep in my opinion but it does look Really good this looks the part I I like Axial uh stepping up their game on Getting the scale detail out there and Uh being a little bit more competitive Because I even see a gas pedal a brake Pedal and a clutch in there who doesn't Know what a clutch is you should just Kidding the bed is nice you could put Some things and accessories in there It's got a little lip around it so it Hold a few things if you were playing With the kids or something and this Actually has some really Hefty weight to It I'm very surprised by this I thought It would be lighter so I'm not sure Where that weight is coming from cuz There's not a battery currently in here And Abby we just lost our Mountain Dew Can so we've got to be careful about Putting a little glue on there ther th Don't worry the thermost is there the Coffeee is there that's all that matters So let's figure out how we open this Puppy up take those body Clips off and Uh put a battery in and go all right

Body Clips are off and why is that Nots Moving I know but it's really I know There's lights but that's giving me No no cord at all do you have to unplug The lights to take it off I mean there's Only like a/ inch of slack there it was Twisted around the these lights were Twisted around this so that's fun we've Got our Servo up here and then we have a Lot of attention to detail inside which Is just a nice fun addition all of this Is just there for Looks and of course okay this is great We've got two uh optional places to put Our batteries or you can actually put Two batteries in there if you wish so You can just kind of keep running and Having fun or sometimes you'll put your Main battery here and or or here which Those trays can be adjusted but maybe You have more accessories and more Lights and you want power those with the Secondary battery so this is our longer Tray and it recommends a 2s or 3s Battery so of course we're going to put The 3s in now as you can see even if we Extend this out uh right now it's not Going to fit in there so that's just for Short batteries So I am excited to see these lights in Action they are bragging about their Lights so that's fun and we're losing Daylight so here we go Pow how do they look Abby they look

Pretty good pretty bright nice what do We got just our headlights headlights And then Little Fall light lights cool All right let's drive Abby's got it and We do have tail lights so that's nice oh That can go slow well it is a Crawler and you've got 3s power too So nice and quick just to give you guys An idea on speed Abby why don't you just Hit it there is that Full Throttle Okay what is a Crawler the front of this Jeep is really What looks great in my Opinion we've definitely got our axial Quality and you know something like this Is definitely going to be a nice Pleasant surprise under the Christmas Tree if you need some good Christmas Ideas axial does a pretty good job I Think with the Jeep license and of Course you know that does come at a Higher price but uh if you're a big fan Of Jeep Vehicles it's nice to see this Version existing Now now I know a lot of you guys are Going to want to see this go either Through water or or ice Abby is is it Thin or is it thick enough to hold the Axal oh we're taking the gamble brand New day one vehicle let's put it on ice That's really really thin a really thin Ice oh my gosh now there is one feature That this vehicle has that they really Didn't talk about at all the whole thing

Like give a little bit I heard it Cracking and I'm excited to show you Guys when it's my turn the headlights Look good and the fog lights also look Good I'm glad to see axal including Lights on they're ready to run Vehicles Because we all love lights at least I do And I know Abby does too oh Yeah yeah the Renegade looks good it's Nice and bright and it does come in a Different color so uh we'll have this Linked In the description box below you Guys check it out click the link and Pull it up check out the other CER and Let us know which version you actually Like the most ab's ready to tear Something up Abby can I have a turn Never oh man okay just kidding there my Turn cool a lot of people uh will make Videos like this because you can drive With one hand guys will hold their phone Or whatever with the other hand and then Just kind of follow your Jeep like This and you can actually steer it that Way and make a video so Abby and I do Love our axal uh we are pretty proud of Our axal collection and I think a lot of People are of that mindset too and it's Nice to know that with this new release We're still getting the good axial Quality in our vehicle of course it's Four-wheel drive with super soft Licensed tires this is uh really it Comes with all the bells and whistles

And one of which that isn't really Talked about on the like box or any of The information we got on this new Rel Place is the fact that it does actually Have the Dig function and I didn't think It did because it's not talked about so You press our little AB rocker here and You Listen so that dig function comes in Handy for a lot of different reasons I Don't tend to use it a lot when I'm Driving cuz Abby and I drive a little Bit more scale but check this out if we Hold our dig button and then we turn we Can turn it basically on a dime digging In and if we were in a really tight Space let's say there's a rock here on The left we can hit That dig it in and turn on a dime and it Really helps us get through a course so I like I like that that's included on This ready to run vehicle it makes it Way more competitive let's go up the Hill some and see if we can maybe Utilize that in a spot all right now Abby's back at the controls and I'm not Even sure if you've ever really played Around with dig function that much on Any of your vehicles so you'll have to Give it a shot maybe a little farther up The hill here Do you hit it hold it and now turn don't Have to blast the throttle just nice and Easy and I don't think you quite

Understand what we're doing with that But that's Okay and try again turn around real Sharp there so hold dig give it Some there now see you're kind of Turning on a dime like literally because Your turning radius is right on that Tire I like that yeah it's very cool I Can see In a lot of competitive cases and when You're on courses how that would come in Handy I've been in yeah I've ran courses Where I'm like I can't make that Turn but now I see how you can make the Dig function there's some other Instances where that can come in handy But yeah the Dig function is really Nice can also be used as like a break Abby kind of going down the hill now you Guys got to keep in mind we're basically Driving on Sand one it's not a good crawler video Unless Abby has rolled it at least two Or three times so she's off to a good [Music] [Applause] [Music] Start what do you guys think you think It could make it up This complete vertical I got a surprise For you there's a there's a video coming Around the corner of a beast of an RC That might actually make it up that but That's something to come hey there is a

Lot of quality here there's a lot of Bang for your buck and if you're a Jeep Renegade fan then this has your name Written all over it I'm a fan and I like Adding this axial to our collection now It's getting super cold out which is why We're so bundled up and it's in the Middle of hunting season and we've Actually seen some Hunters leave while We've been here doing this video so as It gets dark we don't want to stay out Much later for our safety but we'll have To do a followup down the road with this Maybe see if it can make it up bash Melon or something they've done a really Good job on the scale details here again I think there's a couple missed Opportunities like because of the lights And I love how they have the hidden body Clips you really just can't even see Them at all uh it would have been nice If the hood was an accessible place for Your batteries and I think they could Have pulled that off so this might be an Easy mod that guys will do down the road Because you could easily hinge that and Uh maybe put some velcro under there and Then have that open and close to give Access to your battery I think the Placement would make sense so the Battery is kind of melted in the back But you can always run a longer wire or Something to solve that problem so I I Really like this it'll be linked in the

Description box below and if you click That link and order it through our link It does help support our channel on our Family at no extra cost to you and it's A great way to uh just say thanks for Making the content plus you get tons of Points when you buy using our link too I Want to say a massive thanks to God for The opportunity to get in front of the Camera and share this experience with You and finally a massive thanks to our Patreon supporters because we couldn't Do what we do as often as we do it Without your insanely awesome support if You love crawlers we'll have a Handpicked very awesome one of my Favorite crawlers of the Year and that Video will be popping up right about now Thanks for watching we'll see you there Bye

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