Robot Wars: Episode 1 Battle Recaps 2017 – BBC Two

Welcome to Robot Wars where the greatest engineering brains have come together to create ever more fiendish ways of smashing lumps out of each other in the first group of is Rapid jellyfish not to and terahertz Our four teams head into battle Tactics and experience will play a big part in surviving our hazard after inna On jellyfish Day lori at the controls with gemma sided So frank lampard, hold on and hold on to their reasoning and hold on to your place in the competition I'll tell you what, they aren't doing badly to stay the whole after that attack there Mighty blows the terahertz and the little cluster boxer out there as well belonging to the nuts team There we see rapid in underneath imprisoning jellyfish into the air Wrap it with that incredible flipper well-armored to 15 times more powerful than any other flipper ever built but Where are they in the competition now in the past and nuts? turning spinning Don't mess with the rear end of Matilda It's a grizzly place to be and that's a doomed place to be nuts.

Oh the naughty boys out Alone and forgotten three remain They'll cluster box of nuts still out there gonna create nuisance value more than anything else No more firing that mighty acts of terror hurts the experience John read in there and here we have terahertz chasing after Rapid and leading jellyfish alone because any jellyfish is immobilized and spinning awkwardly, but going nowhere This is all about the damage now that air hurts the cause unhappy thing about Machin the competition's the manager tactics. It were to rain She-she's called John as expertly driven terahertz into the next round He now has two hours in the pits to fix that banks. Our second group battle is between tomahawk Aftershock, cranky and Sabretooth It's the moment of truth for the teams All that stands between them and a shot of the title are five hazards for house robots and three competitors He doesn't see how cranky gets on top very well from the start flipped up and over hasn't been tested the wheels could be vulnerable We see the mighty spinner of aftershock and we see very much a robot in peril Pinch it between the two and cranky Very much in trouble That's three and a half thousand rpm Spinning blade of aftershock now the attack on the girls from the Netherlands the tomahawk team That is the big rolling blade of saber to launch another machine two meters in the air We're after shocked.

I haven't released the tire and this time the little oblivion he said Look at the damage on cranking on the armaments their mistakes Immobilize machines not off the shop certainly their chatter Hawk and the Netherlands see It will double dutch for them Seuss So the scoreboard looks like this Aftershock end of the maximum nine points both saber-tooth and terahertz have three points each but has saber-tooth won their head-to-head It means they join aftershock in tonight's fight Saber-tooth taking too much damage Immediately saber-tooth feeling the effect of the aftershock spinning discs They needed to ride the problems of that spinning disk early on They certainly disc jockeys in that aftershock team is listed saber-tooth Oh Monkey, all right steady steady Let's wait the wait they're calm they're composed Their patient because they know they can come in for the guilt It was just too much to ask for saber.

The one bridge too far kill a lot toys with them They've done brilliantly meet them boom spin down Nice, they start up again Don't Camille hit you night. That's it. It's been an emotional night for the aftershock boys We've got a real contender here and an emotional night But Gabriel there's me Robin our four three spin down cuz he was trying to pin down The shot It's warm and in one world the entire way through the show, eighth your winner still I didn't give it for after shopping You.

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