it's time for show-off Sunday, where
everyone has a chance to show off their own car and here's this week's winner, hi there my name's Adam and this is my
1977 VW kit car, the kit car is based on a 1968 Volkswagen Beetle chassis, the
body is made from reinforced fiberglass, the engine is a Subaru ei 82 1.8 liter,
the car was originally 1600 air cooled but we have converted it to a Subaru,
just for a better fuel economy, reliability and power, the car is pretty
light, it's ranging around the 780 kilo mark, the fiberglass bodies on these cars
were built by Imbessa I think, they there build in England around the 1970's there's only a few of these in Australia
that are actually running, and I think I've got the best one in Australia, the
cool thing about these cars is when you build them you can pretty much do what you
want with them I hope you enjoyed the video and yeah
thanks for watching, well that was this week's video and
remember to have your car video highlighted here on my channel, check
this out! so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell!
The Coolest Car You’ve Never Seen – 1977 Volkswagen Kit Car in Australia – with Scotty Kilmer