And this is the most popular size for Collectors who want to have a wide range of cars? Probably a lot of people who are in the rc community is Kyosho The brand is called Mark 43 now. This is actually made by A company called Hobby Japan Resin models 1:18 scale which are much more highly detailed than the die-cast models. Look at that the steering wheel Now another company that we want to feature is called Ignition Models really excitingly for 90s JDM fans.
You can get anything It's not just sports cars is that the latest corvette stingray if you're a fan of uh European Herpa RX3 Savannah's Australian style rotary colors the Rally New Zealand 1995 Thailand Touring Car Initial D fans rejoice you have a nice range of the latest official animation Legend So Hi guys and welcome to another episode of JDM masters and on today's shop reviews, we'll be taking a look at HIKO SEVEN But they're not really a real car tuner but for those of you who love cars you might also Be collectors of scale models or specifically die-cast models and this is a shop that specializes completely in cars, racing cars And it's located not so far from Tokyo, and we're going to go and have a look inside. So come join us So let's go have a look inside And as you enter you're immediately surrounded by Glass shelfs stacked right up to the ceiling Um on both sides and it's just filled with model cars and 1:43 scale 1:64 scale which is the very popular sizes for collectors, and they also even have 1:18 scale From various makers Autoart some of the classic models latest models and it's just really astounding to see a shop that specializes Completely in cars and it really reflects on the owner's concept of aiming at car enthusiasts Um, like you and me and us or those of you guys who are watching Of course you love cars and you may be a collector of small cars, you know if you own a specific sports car and you want to get that model maybe in the same color and This is basically a heaven for car collectors and also car enthusiasts.
So let's have a look around At the selection so generally in die cast model collection You have three generic sizes small medium large but more specifically 1:64 scale which is A very compact and collectible you can arrange this on your table very easily and this is the most popular size for collectors who want to have a wide range of cars and the good news is that now you can have really highly detailed 1:64 scale cars Especially from Hobby Japan, but also Tomitec which is a company of Tomy and they also make 1:64 skill highly detailed models and they're still releasing new models and lately they've been going into 90s jdm cars as you can see here the Lancer evolution 6 the new models just released um, but they are limited to a once Run and so that's why they call limited and you have to get those If you don't get a new you probably find them on the second-hand market and like real cars.
Sometimes the price does rise up The other more popular model size that people collect is the 1:43 scale It's slightly bigger. You can put it in your palm of your hand and usually comes with a box and This is an example of the Mark 43 Initial D AE86 Takumi Fujiwara's model And as you can see here how highly detailed even with the wheels the decals on the side the windows on with all the lines they also have a metal etched plate That gives you the design of the actual font of the original car but also the series so this is A really good scale for our major collectors And you also have 1:18 scale, which is very popular These days you can buy resin models 1:18 scale which are much more highly detailed than the diecast models now a lot of you may collect Autoart which was a company started more than 20 years ago and You could open the doors.
You could open the Bonnet and the trunk and have the engine detail, but there's still some lacking in overall Realism to the real car. So that's what these resin models are for you can't open anything but the lines between the bonnet and the fenders for example And just that little detail with the wheels with the light, it's much more realistic representation of the real car Multicollectors would just leave the model on their desk or inside their showcase So it's the real need to you know Open up and see but the devil is in the details and looking inside this 118. Resin scale You can see the little little details that reflect under real car and this is a Integra DC5 Type R for example And you can see the Recaro seats the shape the coloring the lettering on the seats, but also Maybe you can see the interior. I'm, not sure through here. Now. Look at that the steering wheel The dashboard the instrument cluster the shape and even the color the matte coloring of the dashboard Highly reflects the actual car. The only sad part is underneath There's not much detail at all but anyway, you're not gonna pick up the model once you put in your showcase and look underneath it, but As a display model, it's a fantastic representation.
So we're gonna be having a look at specific small models now and just to explain The amount of details. So first off we have A new company the 1:43 scale highly detailed diecast A little bit expensive the brand is called Mark 43 now. This is actually made by A company called Hobby Japan A little background story Hobby Japan is actually a long-running Japanese magazine that features die-cast models from Japanese and foreign makers And they are very popular with the enthusiasts who want to collect these things. But finally they said let's make models. Let's make the best 1:43 still highly detailed models and Since there's a revival of 90s and 80s JDM cars they went full scale into it and this is an example of the range that we're going to show you later on NSX Type R NA2 2002 this goes for about 100 US dollars You might think wow, that's a bit expensive, but it's very very very well worth it of course all of these cars Have full support from the manufacturer's official Honda licensed product what this means is the manufacturer actually approves or disapproves And gives feedback on the details of the card.
They supply them with the exact font for the logos for example the shape of the of The brand name and such now another company that we want to feature is called ignition models the story goes that the Designers are who came from the HPI company went and started Their own company called ig models ignition models and this is based in Shizuoka Prefecture Very very high grade maker of 1:64 skill and you can see they've gone for a different approach.
This is the top secret R35 Gee Dee Ahh Model car so they've worked together with the most famous tuners And reproduce demo cars and this is something that's not been done before and a real joy for collectors Who want to have 3D scale model of their favorite tuned JDM cars that you can see in videos and in Option magazine. This is fantastic Fully supported by also by Nissan themselves. It's at least an official licensed product and a top secret official licensed product now Let's just go a little bit into licensing for them for a moment As you can see here we have RWB as well And uh TSM model, which is not a Japanese model So this is a race car and most race cars are really troublesome to get all the sponsors, uh for the uh, all the different stickers or even from the team itself a small tuning company like this is probably easy to get a license, but there are some non-Japanese companies Which actually neglect or don't go to the trouble to get the full licensing support from? the maker whether it's a car maker or whether it's tuner maker But for Japanese companies, they take great care to make sure that they get the licenses Otherwise, they're not going to produce the models at all.
Another company I'd like to introduce it Probably a lot of people who are in the RC community is Kyosho And they've been producing models for a very long time their rival EBBRO Produced many models in the 90s to the early 2000s, but they were somewhat luck luster, lacking a lot of detail about the shape of the Of the headlights with overall shape of the body up We've personally collected these cars ourselves and i've always felt It's a bit lacking. I wish there would be a high-grade model that looks exactly like the real car and Kyosho has also stepped up their game into the more premium market now. This is a interesting example of the GRB hatchback STI. Uh rally Demo car and there's a lot of interesting hidden models that a lot of people do not know about Okay, so now we're gonna look at the details of Some of these models though Very excitingly for 90s JDM fans Subaru Impreza WRX STI Version 3 Type R . The Version 3 was the first Model to get the two-door Variation it's interesting that they chose this To start with and of course, they made the more popular version fives later on But they have most of the colors that are appearing new in the catalog but also This one here appears to be a little bit tuned you can see that's not a stock exhaust right there um It's lowered a little bit.
But maybe this is the appearance that um that people would actually like to do to the real car So it's not completely stock. Let's have a closer. Look at the details. Now, let's have a look at the front mask Very realistic looking, isn't it? If you look at the headlights And you can see that the inside which is usually low detail and cheaper models Is highly reflected in even the little lines? of the early 90s models black painting outside and the the etching of the emblem and also the small details of the Decals on the fog light covers now turning it to the side here.
This is where the GC8 Impreza gets its distinctive shape if you look at the Curvature of the front headlights. It's very very accurate and looking at also The overall body line shape. It looks very accurate to me I know the GC8 Impreza quite well i've had one before and the C pillar going down into the boot Boot has a slight angle going down and it's clearly reflected here the height and the shape of the rear wing Even the thickness is thin reflecting the real car And the real tail lights also in the same fashion, you have the orange inside and the wrx sdi logo down there Wheels, that's not stock That's that that probably looks like Speed Line wheels from the 90s which reflects the WRC heritage another shape It's done very very well the gentle Curve that comes with the a-pillar to the roof.
Groove is slightly curved although oddly the wheels look like they're a bit Larger than 15-inch And in the front you can see that the headlights are a little bit recessed But there is a reason for that When model designers make a scale model of a car they have to consider many many different things for example For those of you who actually make plastic models of cars more popular 1:24 scale. Tamiya, Aoshima Hasegawa and also Fujimi Will notice that there are slight distortions on the body especially with Tamiya cars. It's no different from a smaller scale 1:43 and the reason is this when you Stand in front of a real car. You're looking at it at eye level the car is actually a lot bigger than yourself so Your eyes actually distort the real image of the car depending on the angle that you're looking at now if you don't believe me Take out your smartphone and stand About two or three meters away from the car at eye level and you can see by moving it up and down like this it gets distorted, but when you're dealing with a very small scale model, which Is usually viewed From above this way.
The designers actually do consider how to make the car appear Real when you're looking at it from the top so there are slight distortions and I'm noticing on this EG6 very very slight depressions inside The headlights but when it's put on a table like this, it looks real It looks exactly like real thing red color for you Initial D fans, you know you know what reference this is Lancer Evolution 3 on the table Just going to rotate it around a little bit and you can see for yourself the high Detail in this model the height of the wing is usually something that Scale models in the past weren't able to do.
Well the black lines that represent the molding on the roof To the slight depression of the rear glass purposely made deeper than in a real car to give you that impression That it's like a real car where there's actually a slight bump To show the moldings and also more important the rear wing it's made very thin But also that reflects the scale of the real car and very famous tuning car demo the demo car of MINES Appeared in Gran Turismo and Option this is made by Ignition Models. We like this leather Uh top plate that gives it very very exclusive feel and you can see here How the R34 is very difficult to represent Um headlights and the slight nuance of the front grille Coming out over here. The the GTR emblem is Impressively 3D looking and it's it's not a sticker at all. It's actually a proper looking piece with the colors and each vent is carefully cut out, uh without any Unnecessary Recess so this is our die-cast mode. This is so so impressive How um they've taken also great care in the decals, uh, which is from the real demo car the MINES uh font Uh the lines and each sticker.
That's also on the real car and looking inside This is where cheaper models are fall flat the shape of the wheels the spokes and the way the tires are actually Attached to the wheels and inside the brake calipers and the and the brake discs itself This looks impressively real a lot of the problem with the cheaper models is the brake is actually too far inside Looking from the side that looks That looks real Doesn't it so let's look around the shop and all the selection that they have starting from Right at the door is where we are really interested in JDM cars these days I've been getting a huge revival and that's why Kyosho, Ignition and Hobby Japan have been producing a lot of the favorites from the 80s and the 90s now of course if you're watching this video You may be wondering How do I get this cars.
HIKO SEVEN has a website which you can see in the link And you're able to order a lot of these cars and now unfortunately due to the COVID-19 situation Uh, it may take a little bit of time to get to wherever you're living Maybe it's in Australia or America but for those of you in Asia Maybe might be able to get it a little sooner or if you do happen to come to Japan.
Um It's actually not too far away from Tokyo a train ride on the Tokaido Line as you're going down towards the beach You stop in a place called Ofuna It's just a 600 meter walk and you come here and enjoy and browse through this fantastic selection Of car models. So let's have a little bit of a look around covered here. We see Mark 43 Um, you got the 90 to 100 range. a range In order of manufacturing honda 80s hondas, you have the 90s hondas here. We're liking this EF 9 but that's the EF3. Sorry non-VTEC, and then the EF This is the. Wow.
This is the EA-T interesting how this one has the kanjozoku style, uh rear wing original NSX as well There's the NSX Type R variation Taking the care to also replicate the exact Font of the logo according to the time and of the of the model and great name as well. This is the Honda Accord Inspire A JDM model, which you'll never see on the road these days It's somewhere between a legend and an accord size. It's just a bigger size first Mugen full body kit car that's actually the first version there are many versions of this but We're liking how the carbon fiber matte print is also very very impressively Done for the Mark 43. Mazda fans will delight in the spirit R. Type A last and final edition of the FD3S there would be K-car fans in Japan who would just want a high-grade model of their Daily grocery getter K-car very interesting RX-8 fans, maybe Or if you want to go back a little bit further you can get the FS3S finished in green.
Oh, this one's interesting. I just noticed this right now my goodness the vehicle ID number it looks like this model was actually Taken and modeled after an actual car with that exact Chassis code and serial number. Oh, that's crazy ponders again more Shuttle four-wheel drive Not really sure why it's there but they're definitely going to be fans of this the BB4 um Honda You have the Accord Accord wagon from back in the day And over here more Subarus And the same the WRX STI Type R you have new ones also This is my high story is another another maker moving down. Oh Nissan fans will love this hakosuka GTR the coupe model, which is finished in brilliant white Nismo S Tune R32 GTR also finished in high detail notice how the front lights Are very very well done the coloring of the side markers very very accurate More more Nissan stuff over here as well anybody knows this, this is a Leopard which is a JDM Coupe model of the Cefiro.
Look at this oddity here. Does anyone know what this is? It's a Corolla FX It's a hatchback of a Corolla with a 4AG engine and you can see here Corolla FX very interesting great font new Supra A90 for those of you who like the new car or you want to go all the way back to the first model? Which is the 2000 GT? and they've taken even the Initiation to put this on a classic looking kind of cork or maybe this represents a marble road just to give it that kind of like classic feel Supra A80 fans rejoice. You can have a very nice model uh @suprasuki Who appeared in our video of the A80 supra you need to get this? Or if you're a Chaser fan Here you go. The only time i'm going to see a stock model Or cars in the models not in a real car. It's going to be interesting Now, let's go further down to another maker called Hi-Story which is I believe it's not a Japanese model maker, but it also has the Approval of the maker you can see here Toyota Corporation.
So they make Not sports car models. There are at a much cheaper price range. Actually, it's not that much cheap. It's still 98 dollars so you've got the first Celsior and you can see here how You have a whole range of the catalogue of toyota you have the alfards You have a Land Cruiser. You have a Noah which are all mundane bread and butter models Like why would you want a model of your minivan but there are fans of these and that's what's fantastic about. Uh, the Die-cast model car world you can get anything. It's not just sports cars 400R, Jann, if you're listening maybe you want one of these I don't know old Datsun trucks I'm, just going crazy here looking at this The shop does carry foreign brands as you can see First 43 which is a European made brand of a variety of different cars as well oddities here like a early 2003 Mitsubishi Grandis minivan A 3300 yen that's thirty dollars and you can see immediately how the detail is lacking compared to the higher end models But if you just want something cheap, um, that's the way to go.
Is that the latest Corvette Stingray? Yeah, the mid-engine one, right? That's fantastic the c8 but um motorsports fan will rejoice when you can find the NSX GT3 and a lot of GT3 race car models in different kinds of livery and If you're a fan of uh European Herpa those of you in Europe, will be familiar with this German maker Bay Em Veh (BMW) M4 coupe astounding variety of Every kind of major 1:43 skill maker cheaper models here Oversteer Kyosho, which makes very impressive looking 1:64 scale of the new NSX for example moving down here more Kyoshos of classic RX3 Savannas Finished in Australian style rotary colors. Can you imagine it from Rotary Magazine? Very impressive looking over here is Inno 64, which is a I believe is a brand from Hong Kong I'm, not too sure if they have the full Licensing, but it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter. You can get your hands on one of these. They're quite limited they look like the race cars of old and there's a lot of very obscure models which no one's ever heard of like Rally New Zealand 1995 Thailand touring car Japan touring car Macau Grand Prix Southeast Asian, so Asian fans will love this range. This is impressive so you got the Lancer Evolution 4 GSR road model and this is the Rally group A demo car. It doesn't have the stickers, uh, like in Tommi Makinen's 1997 winner. This is actually the first Ralliart issue demo car And uh, I have a bit of history with this. So it's quite personal for me But over here is where I want to draw your attention to the Tomica Limited range 1:64 scale and there's some interesting models here Like the sunburst yellow i'm not going to open this up FD3S is interesting is a group A patterned Civic, SiR EF9.
Double the price. I'm not sure before it's limited and if you check on the website over here Tomica has the complete range of their new models. You've got an R32 Normal model you have the Evo 4 RS. You have some old police cars old Cedric. Yeah, EF9 and even some like What is this? a Fiat Panda original one There are a lot of Japanese fans who love these cars Actually, that's the reason why they're being made initiable fans. You can see and probably you know, get this one Um, you can also have a two 2020 all this different range and Tarmac Works down here Which is also a Hong Kong company and they produce a lot of the classic, uh race cars that raced in Macau specifically WTCR Just a huge huge range. Here's the interesting range Lexus models LC500.
Lexus commissioned These cars to be made and they sell it officially in their website in their range for collectors Lexus gave full support to make sure that the details of this range is done absolutely accurately and correctly Whereas the difference is other makers would just give them like some feedback, but the lexus range Very much, like the Porsche cars are sold in their catalogues for accessories Honda NSX Type R, Kyosho official car back then in 1991 to Suzuka circuit safety cars, even if you're interested if you guys interested in that when art and center was racing Safety car Moto GP all obscure different models Lancia Stratos group 5 uh Different rally models. It's fantastic R33 Skyline GTR I do want this one though S204 uh Impreza and an EG6 NA1 but Initial D fans rejoice you have a nice range of the latest official, um animation 'Legends' Uh called the 'Legends' It's it's a short movie made FC FD I think you even have the real character, uh diorama And here's the AE86 200 dollars made By Kyosho, so it's going to be a great quality.
It's a resin model So now we're going to have a talk with the owner of the hobby shop. Um HIKOSEVEN Thank you for coming. Thank you very much for having me. Yes, my name is Yukio Harashima Thank you very much thank you very much so I have some questions for Harashimasan We're going to ask him about how these Wonderful models are made so detailed I am very curious about something Previous model makers like Ebbro, at lower price point compared to this modern Mark 43 model really looks like a real car How do they make this? In the old days, models were made from carving a wooden block shaping the model in the image of the car But now, a 3D scan is made of the real car then digitally the dimensions are measured and used to shape the 1:43 scale model compared to before, it is possible to include a lot of details Ah! I see Since when was such 3D scanning technology first used? About 10 years ago there was a brand called HPI I believe they were the first to use this technology I see Such a high grade detailed model can now be manufactured That's right So in making the 3D scan and then the actual manufacturing how are these small parts made so beautifully? So as there is the digital data and you know, before they used wood carving models but now those small parts can be accurately sized therefore adding small details to the shape I see For example, on this AE86 if we look carefully such as the lights and bumper these are all really hand made? Yes, Hand made Made one by one Wow that's amazing each model is handmade part by part So how long does it take to make one model? So for this 1:43 scale size model It is said to take about a total 100 to 300 hours I see Fans of these 80-90s models can really appreciate the models To be able to buy one of these is a joy And also this resin 1:18 scale is this also made by 3D scanning? Yes, this is also made by 3D scan The maker is a foreign brand called OTTO They have also used 3D scanning technology for a long time and produced models Wow, so OTTO is really good at making models Yes, very good.
I see Thank you for your explanation today So we hope you guys have enjoyed that review on model cars and diecast cars and i'm holding in my hand right now Possibly the biggest resid model that they have in this shop. It's a 1:12 scale um NSX Type R NA1 32,320 yen Um, yeah the NSX-R is my dream car, but this is so expensive. I can't even afford this one Um, so let us know in the comments if you guys would like to us to review more Details on diecast cars or maybe you know other shops and and you enjoy this and you like more non Real car related stuff let us know in the comments until until next time.
Peace out You.