Discontinuing Great Products?!?!?!

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Discontinuing Great Products?!?!?! We talk a lot about this matter in today’s video. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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#rcjet #rcairplane #rc

One of the biggest complaints that I see In the RC World in our comment section Especially when a new RC plane is Released is how long is that going to be Supported they're going to discontinue It in a year or so and that's a fair Statement because it does happen Sometimes when a poor plane is released It might not be supported very long but When it's good it's great and they Support it for years and I'm holding a True example of an airplane that Literally has hundreds of flights on it Because this is my original A10 this is One of the first two 6s edfs that I Learned to fly on this and the viper Well it's a great flying airplane and I Absolutely love it whether it's windy or Not I just love this thing and it's been A long time since I've actually flown it On the channel which is why I chose to Fly it today but I want to hear from you Guys in the comments right now or at Least while I'm flying let me know what Is better to quickly roll over new Things all the time we just see new new New new or do we want to see some things Supported for years at the sacrifice Of less new things [Music] Check these flaps out Nice and slow I love that we'll just go Half I love this thing I mean it holds up

Really well I just checked my landing Gear as you guys saw in the intro uh it All came up and went down together now You know what I think that's the Viper I Don't think this one has ever had those Issues so guys have complained about Having landing gear issues on this A10 But knock on wood I've got hundreds of Flights on mine Okay we're gonna take off Tracks really well too Oh my goodness I tried to keep it scale And uh that was not scale I also I have A 4 000 milliamp battery in here and it Just barely fits I See flaps up landing gear up I knew that No flash would hit I knew that at the House uh getting my batteries ready and I thought you know what I only have one Thirty two hundred but I got a couple Four thousands I'd rather fly the four Thousands so that's why I did that yeah It fits but it's tight Love the A10 I love it everybody does And if you don't own one it flies on Absolute rails it's just perfect I can't Believe it's probably been close to a Year since I've flown mine Oh oh my hatch is opened my hatch is Opened as level as possible I gotta get my landing gear it popped Open it popped open yep it is open I Can't believe it hasn't fallen off Landing gear down kind of an emergency

Landing here Is open Wow I always fly 32 on this Look at this Look at that see it can I see that I'm Surprised you can see that in the air Now if I would have done any Maneuvers At all that would have completely gotten Thrown off so I'm gonna try to Snug that Up That's horrible and it makes me think Now if I do any crazy Maneuvers which I Want to do it's just going to fling it Off of there so let's see what I can do Not get clicked on or what What pressure pushing the canopy open I Think if I rotate the battery like this It'll sit low I heard it clicking Clicked in so we're gonna do it again Okay that was about a minute and a half Of flight just so you know so two and a Half more minutes or about three will be Fine I can't remember if you're telling The tree on this particular version The newest one that's available now Which we'll link for you guys it does Have Telemetry so let's see if we can Get a smoother takeoff here we go ready Abby How's that better yeah Yeah better than your last even when It's a bit of an emergency The Landings On this are just nice and

Easy grass Now we had a bit of a distraction in Between the beginning of the video and Why so I was a little off topic here but Um Oh there's a jet straight above my plane Way up there Okay we are going to do some Maneuvers Now [Music] We'll roll it out of that And then we're gonna do a roll into our Bank so Roll and then Bank A little bit more military-esque Higher Maneuvers We'll snap it over here Snapping it Outline as long as a wild awesome snap On this very not scale at all And we almost stalled that wow Rolling left And we'll bring it around this direction Take it inverted here We'll go to the outside loop at Full Throttle I lost you in the sun glare on my screen You can do that again Snap it and then do another outside Loop Because it was just beautiful we're Gonna snap it right here in front of us And it's gone right over us so Abby I Apologize it's fine Saved it fine but we just had a weird

Tumble Direction You're flying really high on this today Just so you know Let's go into a half Loop Keeping it inverted And then we're gonna go outside inverted Here with throttle climb up out of that Super high up but it can do it doesn't Have a lot of air speed I'm Gonna Roll It Down Slowly pull up Snap it over here in front of us one Time and bring it in for a nice landing We'll put a fresh battery in and Yeah The wind has died down so I'm going to Put landing gear down and land it left To right just because we really don't Have much wind left can you see them Yeah Can you say this this one's fine this One this plane I got you can see the Gear on the back there three little Sticks my goodness Oh That's okay one little skip we saved it Yeah it's been a while since I've flown This so I had like almost Maiden Jitters On that but you know what we can put a Fresh battery in and just have some more Fun talk about our seed and uh we'll get This taxi back in and fly again wake it Up a lot more this time get that canopy On good this time

There's not a lot of room in there is There for a success 32 fits perfect Those are four thousands All right this is just going to be about The flight but in the intro I talked About Do you guys want to see 30 products that Are supported for 15 years each pretty Like seeing new stuff unfortunately Horizon and all companies have to make Decisions with their warehouse space Because warehouse space costs a lot of Money So you know we only see some new Releases some updated things uh every Year and uh They're planning gear up oh that was the Tailwind rolling it we're going to climb Because we've got the power to do it and The roll and a snap up there What a beautiful plane Abby this just Being an EDF just takes up a lot more Airspace I think you've forgotten that I've learned this before you have Flipped I have planned this before yeah So what we're going to do now Is drop the flaps over the runway try to Bring it in a little slower No landing gear On the other side Because we've got a headwind that way so I thought you've learned this wow wait It's one of the second battery Here we go

Do you want to fly it You've asked me that after I have not Really flown much in over a year I think Yeah perfect that's nice I mean do you Care I don't care no AKA do you care if It ends portable really Quick flight basically take off going a Couple circles and land just make sure Your safe's on I'm not going to take it Out of safe it's been too long that's Fine Down there I got her remember Mine's good just just fast don't be Afraid you don't have to coach me that's Fine yeah it's uh you know it's a quick Flyer but it's a beautiful day to do it Okay and I'm really hungry so all right We'll do a quick flight well just for Proof oh here no just step out there Real fast I'm not On that all right Abby's Abby's sad I don't even have my right Glasses on so we're just yeah okay He's gonna complain the whole time about Not being able to see it And you know what it's got hundreds of Flights on it Safe is absolutely on okay no just in Case well it's it's bike right okay but Hold on This is flaps not that you need them and Landing gears back left all right okay

That's our coaching session Here we go And you're gonna land when it's time to Right to left Oh you're up Jamie Christmas you got up Quick wow I don't know why now why it Did that that's okay well you were Probably pulling elevator hard and you Must have been You got it good job all right that's Fine I that timer just needed to be Reset he's off on the juice he's off on The juice a little You're fine you're fine You're fine It's okay Long breaks When life stuff happens there's another Joke yeah Good job I'm focused she's focused no no it's Fine that's okay and you're in safe It's all good I'm proud of you yanking there right to Left absolutely Yeah they are it's okay it's okay There's nothing wrong with that it's Exactly what direction right to left You're gonna land it right to left Sorry I completely forgot this has Landing gear that's okay it's totally Fine it's the back left but don't worry About it because you're almost ready to Land anyway remember new Landings this

One's gonna you're gonna come out of That bank and you're gonna be almost at Zero throttle You're fine just swing it right and then Get it over the runway There you go there you go You can be at pretty much zero throttle Little throttle Little throttle Oh that's okay that's okay just leveled Off smooth yeah you got it you saved it You saved it you that's okay that's okay That's okay That's okay oh I'm so sorry that's okay You just skipped it a little bit That's okay that's okay you still got it In That's okay you still flew it it's it's Back in one piece she'll fly again let's See let's play a game uh do the landing Gear still work after that Yeah invented back some you can see That's not sitting flush anymore and That's exposed a little bit but do you Care okay I've flown this hundreds of Times so that's a better moment watching You fly than you know uh 300 and second Flight on that which it'll still fly Again so it's okay I really don't know When the last time I flew was I remember Flying the radio the little radio link I Know I've flew the erratics That doesn't count though you're right I Mean it does count yeah but when it you

Compare it to something like that look At that see the shocks that's another Reason this plane is just so awesome I Mean I almost took us out it aimed at us For a minute at least I recovered from That I think it's just a light Bend back Forward and I'll I'll play around with That but it's still working great you Did a good job I've never been up here Flying and you say you know what I've flown that let me have it I love That you did that so good job Abby That's what it's all about that's what Life is all about don't let you know Fear hold you back from things and I'm Up here flying This Plane I'm not even Flying it so great today honestly I mean I need to fly this more often because Today was almost embarrassing for me and Abby says I got this so I'm really oh I Embarrassed myself too so whatever high Five we flew we flew hey the whole point Of today was kind of the talk about the Hobby with you guys because you know we See videos and and channels and we're Guilty of it too of just focusing on new Stuff all the time because new is Exciting and whatever you know and it is But existing awesome things are exciting Too it's almost like the whole concept Of when credit card companies say we'll Give new customers five million dollars But existing customers you're dead to us

You know uh it's like this I think we Need to give some love to the existing Amazing RCS too not just the new ones so That's why we got this out today and It's a really good talking point I want To hear from you guys in the comments What do you think a better a bigger Balance of new products or would you Rather see products supported for longer Periods of time you know I wouldn't have Flown today if it wasn't for AMA well That's a good house I'm a little scared yeah you don't talk About this very often but Abby and I are Both AMA Pilots we have our insurance And we absolutely love it well your Lifetime But for whatever reason I get a discount If I don't do like do lifetime but if I Do lifetime I don't get the difference If she does lifetime this is something Ama if you're watching we think you Should work on because Abby would be a Lifetime member there was the lifetime Spousal discount but instead you offer One year and two-year spousal discounts But not lifetime but not lifetime so it Literally I'd have to live like 80 more Years for that to make sense Oh it's crazy uh AMA will be linked in The description box below but there's They're an insurance program for those Of us that fly our season just do our Season in general this will be linked in

The description box below next to the AMA link if you plan on buying this or Anything in the RC world please consider Supporting us I just met a nice guy the Other day and he says he buys all his Stuff at his hobby shop that's fine but He also watches our videos and says that They're way more helpful than his hobby Shop ever could be so I talked to him And I said you know you could support Our Channel if you find use of our Videos if your hobby shop helps you more Well then sure or support them but if You're finding our videos useful helpful Entertaining then please that's part of The reason why we do this it helps our Channel and our family out use that link We thank you very much on the subject of Thanks I'd like to thank God for Blessing us with this beautiful day to Get out here and fly and share this Experience with you guys and finally a Massive thanks to our patreon supporters Because without your support we couldn't Do what we do as often as we do it guys If you love this A10 I've got more Videos of it way more impressive flights And we'll hand pick one of those right Now just for you popping up right about Now thanks for watching we'll see you Then Thank you

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