Hi all we've seen a lot of information coming out
at the moment on a new kit coming out of the old HPH called Infinity well we've been lucky enough
to be sent a test shot of the new 32nd scale Helldiver now it's so it's this is seriously
only a test shot we've only been sent bits and pieces again i have been sent information on the
accessories so essentially you can build this kit out of the box no problems and be quite happy with
it however if you wish to add parts to it or you want to do up the bombay even further they've also
released a series of accessories which i'll show you in a minute so what i'm going to do is just
show you the kit first this is the 32nd Helldiver there's the fuselage it's made of the plastic
that that's sword and those sort of guys use it's a bit glossier and it's a this is only a test
shot so i'm sure it's going to be polished up a little bit more but the detail and all the panel
work is just just superb it's not overdone it's quite restrained it's just nicely done so that's
one of the wings in one of the upper surfaces as you can see there's lots of detail already molded
onto the sides of the fuselage and things like that and there's part of the undercarriage bay as
well so that's quite nice we've got this is part of the cockpit so this has all got the rear parts
and everything again really nicely done there's a lot already done for you so it's just a matter
of nicely painting it up and everything else the good thing about this a lot of this you
will see it is quite the canopies are quite clear which i'll show you in a second top lanes
and this is part of the engine and engine cowl prop they all look quite good there's a spa
obviously for the wings now the wings aren't set up to be they're straight through there's
no fold if you want to fold them again we're going to have some detail sets that you can play
around with but again this has been designed so that you can build a kit out of the box just
as is this is the engine now that's quite detailed quite significant so there's lots and
lots of pieces in there to play around with so that's quite good what else we got we've got
this is the flaps the dive brakes and everything else so that's all quite nicely done these are
all part of the frame all part of that and this looks like to be undercarriage parts wheel bays
wheel legs and everything else all this is really really nicely done by the look of it and as
i keep saying you can build this kit out of the box without all the other bits and pieces
if you don't want these are the clear parts they're quite extensive and they're quite quite well done charm onto the blue here really nicely done all nicely set up with all the
frames and everything else they're really clear really really clear so again if you're going to do the interior you can just with painting it
up you're going to look quite good there's instrument panels and things like
that so quite quite nice i don't we don't have everything as yet but i'll show you
what we do have this is the decals instruction now this gives you seat belts this has actually
been done for the kit so it's just a matter of chop them out and put them on decal sheet
looks like it's two versions or two two schemes so the deck has looked nicely printed it's been
printed by oh it's it's doesn't say here it's printed by but it just says and printed it
printed by Mini so that looks quite good and then you've got your instruction sheet this
is it's quite well laid out as you can see it's got lots of information looks like there's good
colour call outs on it things like that so you should have quite a bit of it should work quite
well for you and there's your two colour schemes so there you go so that's that's the kit as it
stands at the moment i'm not sure how much more it's going to come out but that looks pretty
intact as the fact that they give you these seat belts is pretty cool too they're quite nice
quite nicely done i think they're done by HDW i think i'm not sure so that's the kit what
they're also offering if you want to go further they're offering these five sets or six sets for detailing up the kit even further but it's
your choice you don't have to do everything so to give you a rundown this one
is the bombay so it's all in resin so it's all the bombay parts so you can really
highly detail the bombay if you want to have it open and all that that's that one this one is the
open gunner station so it comes with etch metal and bit of resin there for the back of it so you
can open up that this one oh this one's the wing fold so if you want to if you want to fold the
wings and they show you exactly how to do it this is all the structure for the wing fold again
if you don't want to you don't you don't have to type of thing so they've really thought about
it this is the control surfaces so your flaps so your rudder and all those sort of bits and pieces
that's all done in resin this one's your armament so your other bombs and rockets and all that sort
of stuff this one is photo etched details for i think this is the cockpit and then this one is for
the landing gear so all in edge metal so all these will be available separately so you can buy them
separately for what you want we will be carrying all of all the accessories so if you just want
to do the bombay up or you just want to do the cockpit up or whatever you want to do you can
do that however remember you can build this box this kit out of the box as is then it's up
to you they haven't thrown all this in and made the price ridiculous and everything else
they've given you the choice have fun this is due this is not due for about another six to
eight weeks i believe so if you want to do pre-orders jump online have a look we'll let
you know when it comes in take care see ya
Infinity Model’s Epic 1/32 Curtiss SB2C Helldiver! | Model Kit Sneak Peek