BEST 3s RC Airplane UNDER $200!!! – E-Flite Slow Ultra Stick SUS 1.2m RC Plane

Check out the new E-Flite Slow Ultra Stick here:
This is E-Flite’s Slow Ultra Stick (aka SUS)! This is a 1.2m Rc plane. In this video we take another look at this new rc airplane to see what it can do. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the new E-Flite Slow Ultra Stick here:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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We're back out with the new super fun Slow Ultra Stick this thing I've got a Maiden under my belt a couple flights With Abby's drone and we're having a Blast with this thing it is basically The ultimate second third Fork fifth Hundredth airplane it could be someone's First absolutely but it is uh super tame To fly if you want it to be while it's In safe you can turn safe off and it Becomes a very sporty aerobatic plane to Fly I really like flying this thing to Me it looks different enough to love I'm I'm not a big fan of having 100 Airplanes that look exactly the same so Bravo to e-flight for putting something Out that's a little bit different nice Little throwback to the glow sick days So let's put this in the air and have Some fun Now in our Maiden flight I wasn't Totally sure if this plane had Telemetry Or not sometimes guys when we get our Hands on these they're so early they Come in just plain white boxes and no Instructions and so you know you guys Get the benefit of having some Information that I don't have when I'm Flying even putting these together Sometimes I just have no instructions so Kind of weird but it does have Telemetry I think I had a little pop-up on screen On my maiden but I just wanted to make That really clear this does have

Telemetry to let you know when your Battery's low and you're flying it this Thing is just a blast on 3s it'll climb Vertically just about forever And uh it is really fun to fly nice Price point too yes I like flying a Plane that looks like a real plane some Guys out there won't fly it unless it Really existed in real life and if it Can do this I won't fly it to you that's okay I've Seen planes do that all right well yeah You just I I don't know I don't know What the mindset is for some people the Minute I fly a scale plane not scale They're like click away click away just Like wait did YouTube take away the Dislike button what's going on here To me I like planes that are a little Different and this is just a nice little Throwback these did used to exist in the Past I think HobbyKing actually used to Have one of these not too awfully long Ago by the way uh but it was like 150 Bucks and uh wasn't that great wasn't as Sturdy and Rigid as this plane is this one feels Really rigid when you're flying it it Could handle wind but it also is really Nice and smooth if you want it to be too Uh that Hobby King one I think it was Actually like 200 but they knocked it Down uh to 150 or so just to get rid of Inventory because it wasn't a good

Airplane now here we have probably the Best version of this style of airplane That has ever existed it's really fun to Fly everything that you see me throwing At it I'm doing super super easily it'll Do four point rolls or Loops I'm sorry Might be able to do a four point roll But the rudder Authority just isn't There it's just not strong Rudder where Rudder does come in handy is if you're Flying it nice and level and you want to Do a Rudder turn it can do it I'm doing A Rudder turn now nice and wide if you Just want to keep that Wing level and You're soaring that's kind of a nice Thing to do let's do a nice little Pirouette down to the ground These are fun It's a fun little slow flyer if you want It to be kind of a park flyer very Well-rounded airplane and the price Point is what I'm probably most excited About there's a few people that watch Our videos that don't fly Spectrum Absolutely okay some people have like a Taranis radio they're out saving money And tyrannos can be a little bit more Universal and some other brands too Maybe you're still just like a Futaba Fan You could buy this plane as a bind and Fly and I would recommend you take that Receiver out because that receiver Retails for like 80 85 dollars sell it

On eBay for maybe 50 or 60 bucks now You've got yourself an amazing flying Airplane for 150 dollars and uh you've Put in whatever receiver you like to fly On so this is a fantastic airplane I Think the next time we see it on the Channel unless I crash it off camera or In today's video Abby should definitely Be the one flying for you guys sounds Good simple little flyer here's safe on Just so you can see it I'm about like Mid throttle right now maybe 45 percent And it just Abby just so you can see Hands-free hands-free really easy to fly Super fun to fly find your plane if You've ever flown anything in safe this Flies like that it is zeroed in it's Like The Lion King sunset right now He's on camera on camera looks like life It looks nice real life it's um Blinding You're fine you're fine what a great day What a great day to fly just a beautiful Day I'm really happy to have this kind Of a plane going into 2023 just variety You know I don't know what do you guys Think it's it's a throwback it's not Like they've created anything brand new Here but everyone gets kind of upset When E-flight just puts out another turbo Timber we also we want something Different but then e-flight does put out Something like the beachcraft and no one

Gets too excited about it but they Should the Beechcraft is an amazing Airplane I I love flying that every time I get it out it's super scale but it's Also really sporty and wild because of That differential thrust And so they put something out like this And I guarantee someone's going to find A way to complain about it but I mean That's everything that's everything For me it's really fun very very like I Would say casual sporty you know when I Think true sporty I think of something Like the old HobbyKing zazzy or I don't Know what's a really sporty Horizon Airplane like an e-flight Sports and Extras are really sporty almost 3D Airplane though Abby that's kind of Getting in borderline 3D oh what are we Talking about sporty planes I don't know The commander anything on a 4S battery Is pretty sporty this is just very like Nice evening Casual sporty and what's fun about it is That price point at 200 you're not Flying like the brand new Trojan that Came out that's 600 and what fifty Dollars and nothing is crazy expensive Um and your knees should be shaken Whether you're a millionaire or you're Working at McDonald's nothing wrong with Anything and everything in between Um you know that's a lot of money that's 600 for an airplane is a lot of money

This is 200 bucks and it's repairable so It's way less stressful to fly something Like this Oh beautiful well we're losing our Sunlight and the Uh Abby's trying to we have sign Language but it's not worked out Perfectly yet okay We are losing our sunlight and so I'm Gonna land soon but I want to let you Guys know that this is linked in the Description box below using that link Helps to support our Channel and our Family at no extra cost to you if you Like supporting family friendly content That is one of the best ways to do it Now you could buy a battery while you're There clicking that link and then just Pick up a battery that's a nice landing I think that was your best one yet this Thing taxis really well to you guys it's On a dime but uh just click that link See if you want to buy the airplane go Right ahead there might be another plane There you like or even an RC car when You click that link you can buy anything While you're on the website you'll earn Points while you're there and it helps To support our Channel but also just Liking this video leaving a comment and Maybe subscribing if you haven't already All amazing ways to support us I like to show you guys where the Battery is mounted on this thing just so

You can see for yourself if you missed The maiden flight that's usually pretty Important and I highly recommend a 3s 2200 it'll fly on 2s and I think as Small as a 1300 milliamp battery but This was just awesome getting out here Late February maybe it's March or so by The time you're seeing this video but Getting to share this experience with You guys and being blessed with this Beautiful day I want to say a massive Thanks to the big guy upstairs also a Huge thanks to our patreon supporters Because we couldn't do what we do as Often as we do it without your amazing Support you guys so thank you from the Bottom of our hearts please if you've Been thinking about supporting us it'll Be linked in the description box below You click that link and there's a very Direct way to support us and say thanks For the content if you had fun watching This and maybe you think this is in your Wheelhouse and you're gonna pick one up I'm going to recommend the erratics as An awesome plane too that's kind of like This but maybe someone's third airplane That is one of my favorite fun little Things to fly and we'll have one of Those videos popping up right about now Thanks for watching we'll see you there Bye [Music]

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