GT40 Kit Car Build – Ep 13 – Chassis Extension Panels & Cooling System

g'day and welcome to another episode of built by 
dan in today's episode i'm going to be installing   the front chassis extension panels and the 
radiator and thermo fans in my gt40 kitkat so i'm not sure what happened but i seem to have 
lost some footage somewhere along the lines so   unfortunately i don't have any clips showing the 
installation of the thermofans onto the shrouds   however it was as simple as just laying the 
thermofans on top marking the location of   those holes drilling the eight holes and 
bolting it on unfortunately the bolts that   were supplied with the kit are too short once 
you actually insert them through the thermofan   mount and through the shred the hole in the shroud 
there wasn't enough thread left to install the nut   or the washer basically even if i remove 
the washer the thread wouldn't actually   pass through to the nylon washer 
that's inside the nut so i need to   get that resolved but for now it's all held 
in place so we can continue with the install   and i've just added it to my list of things 
to be resolved as part of the final assembly all right so i'm going to start this front chassis extension section by doing the 
sides first so a bolt on the sides and then i'll   look to bolt on the bottom plate i've been 
i mean an ironing for a little while as to   which way to do it whether to try and bolt up the 
bottom piece first and just put a block of timber   underneath the front to support it or whether 
i start with the sides but i do believe that   starting with the sides is probably 
going to make life a little bit easier so that's what i'm going to do i'm just 
going to get a couple of bolts in for now   and then i can finish it all off once it's all sort of loosely installed okay it's as simple as that bolting this side 
piece onto the main chassis it is just four bolts   i've tightened two of them up i'll leave 
the other two loose for now just until i   can make sure that everything sort of sits 
as it should now jump to the other side okay so that's the two sides loosely 
installed i will now make a start on the base   okay so that's just one done up finger tight 
this bottom panel does actually sit underneath   but i'm just using the sides the little 
return on the sides to support it for now   um and i can always just either flex 
them out a little bit or undo the bolts   so i've got all three bolts on one 
side one bolt on the other side   i'm just gonna see if i can now get the side mounted to the base there 
are some elongated holes here so   there's obviously a bit of adjustment there 
what i might actually do is not tighten these   bottom ones up until i mount the radiator in 
between because i think that will dictate what   the spacing should be between those two sides and 
then i can tighten up the base ones accordingly now i approach with these bolts 
similar to a couple of other areas   appreciating that bolts 
should go from top to bottom   but given that we're dealing with the front of 
the vehicle here trying to maximize my ground   clearance and not have the additional nut and 
thread from the bolt sticking out underneath   which could cause some ground clearance issues 
later on this way i just have the bolt head   underneath or the screw head underneath and 
that's it i'll repeat the same for the other side all right that's everything just 
done up finger tight i do still have   a couple of bolts to put in from the bottom 
here almost forgot about the underneath there   and then i think what i'll do is i'll tighten up   the bottom panel where i'm currently 
putting these screws in now and then we'll look to assemble and install the radiator before i tighten off the sides i feel like a bit of a contortionist at the moment 
but it's really awkward to get into where this   bolt is right in the corner okay that's all the 
bolts in finger tight i'll get to tightening them   up and then we'll come back and look at installing 
the radiator and thermo fans unfortunately the   audio hasn't come through for this clip so just 
explain what i was running through here i was   just covering off the assembly of the radiator 
and thermo fan unit so the fans were bolted to   the shroud first and then the shroud is screwed 
to the outside frame of the radiator with the   supplied spaces in between this holds the nuts 
from the bolts that pass through the fan frame   and the shroud from hitting the fins of the 
radiator for final assembly there is also   an adhesive foam strip that will be installed in 
the gap created by the spacers to try and ensure   as much airflow as possible through the radiator 
okay now before i get too carried away with the   installation of the radiator i just thought 
i'd quickly show you what i have done is just   installed this little spacer that goes inside 
the grommet just so it doesn't compress too much   and i've just put a bolt in 
uh the top corner on each side and the reason for that is because 
i've just been playing around with   how the actual supplied bolt assembly is supposed 
to work basically this is what's supplied   there's the bolt the nut there's a zinc washer 
and then there's two stainless washers so the   only thing that i could work out is that 
zinc washer on the outside for the bolt head   and then the stainless washer either side of the 
rubber grommet to hold that little spacer inside   that rubber grommet without it pulling through 
the um the actual bolt hole in the chassis panel   so i don't know if that's correct or not but 
it's the only thing that i could come up with   that seemed logical based on what was supplied so 
i'm going to run with that for now again this is   all just a test fit it will likely get pulled out 
before the car is finished and then we'll go back   together as part of the final assembly so now i'll 
have a crack at installing the rest of these bolts   and washers i might even just try and get the 
bolts in to start with and then i can focus on putting the nuts on later all right that's one side just with the 
bolts thread through the holes and the   um the spacers in the grommets i might just 
go and fix off just finger tight the nuts   on each of them just so they don't pop out 
while i'm playing around with the other side   i think leaving these loose will just 
give me a little bit more flexibility   to move that around just so i 
can get all the washers in and   get it all positioned correctly so now jump 
to the other side i'll try and reposition   the camera so you can see it better what i'm 
actually doing and we'll get this all fitted off okay so i now have all the bolts done up finger 
tight you can see there i've still got the   cardboard sitting in behind those thermo fans 
that's because i do still need to take them off   and address these bolts uh which weren't 
long enough to even pass through the nylon   part of the nylon nut nylock nut 
a bit of a tongue twister there but i can still at least get it all bolted and 
make sure that it all fits now i do actually need   to install the air conditioning evaporator in 
front of that radiator but there is no guidance   in the build manual as to how that is supposed to 
be done i haven't been able to get in contact with   any other builders that have completed that step 
and the manufacturer has not been able to supply   any additional information to date so for now 
i'm just going to stick with the radiator install   as much as i would have liked to do the air 
conditioning at the same time and just be done   with this section unfortunately i'm not able to 
do that so it'll have to come out at some stage   when i do that i'll remove the the cardboard 
that's on there just to protect the fins of   the radiator i'll hopefully have a solution 
to address the bolts that are holding those   thermo fans on that are too short and 
have some further guidance as to how the   air conditioning evaporator is to be installed in 
front of that radiator i'm going to now tighten   off those bolts as i mentioned everything is 
still pretty loose i'm going to tighten the bolts   to the radiator first and then i'll go and 
tighten off these bolts that i've left loose   on the side panels and also on the bottom here 
where the side panels attach to the base panel   okay that's everything tightened off now okay so here's a quick look at everything fitted 
off really not much difference to the way you   saw it previously it's just a bit more solid so 
now show you what i mean underneath in terms of   keeping everything or you know trying to maximize 
clearance by having the bolt heads underneath   i know the manufacturer installed the hinge with 
the uh the nut and bolt sticking through however   they don't seem to protrude protrude as far as 
what these bolts would for the chassis panels so now before i started this i did 
actually fit the silicon hoses to   the the hard coolant tubes that run through the 
center tunnel and here i have the flexible tubes   that will be fit off between the silicon 
hose there on that center tube and   each side of the radiator so this i'm going 
to have a look at doing now i probably have   to cut them down a little bit but all 
in all just try and fit them into the   silicon adapters or silicon joiners and and get a 
stainless cable tie on there to hold it in place what i'm looking to do now is 
to form up these flexible hoses   to try and make them work to connect from our 
rigid tube that runs through the center tunnel   to the radiator so it looks like it's probably 
going to be a bit of adjustment required   just to cut it down or just change the shape 
of it slightly even just to use the full length   i don't see why there is a need to use the 
full length but i'll probably just try and   form this up as best i can and see how i go 
i have sort of started from the center piece   bent it around just in a snake shape and then bent 
it up to come up to the connection on the radiator   it is quite difficult to try and get that to 
sit right to know what length it needs to be   i might even just do it in a number of cuts just 
so i don't take off too much in the first instance but i might just keep playing 
around and see if i can actually use up more of the length rather 
than having to resort to cutting   that does get pretty close to using it up i don't think i'd really want to try and make that   consume any more than it already has of the hose i 
think i might just go and cut that off right there all right so that's cut down now so once that's in i can sort of 
manipulate that a little bit still but all in all that's um it's come out quite well i think i might try and connect this central end oops i've got that fell off uh so just want to make sure that i push 
that in as far as i possibly can there are a couple of clips 
that will go on to hold the hose   in place so it doesn't vibrate 
and move around too much but in terms of the fitment so far i'm 
pretty happy with how it's sitting get that silicon adapter on halfway and tighten 
that off before i try and insert the hose so better get that held down 
once i get my clamps in place   so i'm not too concerned about that that's one 
side done now i'll just move to the other side i'm gonna make a start on the other side now i 
haven't actually attempted to preform this tube   yet so we'll see how we go it is going to follow 
a similar sort of pattern so it will come out   around along the base and then 
up and connect to that tube this time around i might start at the radiator end all i'm doing here is just giving myself 
a bit of a guide as to where halfway is for the silicon joiner so i can make sure 
i've got an even amount of the radiator and   then the flexible hose sitting in there 
i'm a bit pedantic about how things look   so i'm just trying to work 
out what's going to look best for these clamps all right i'm pretty happy with 
that i'll have to go and find the the brackets for these hoses i think there's one 
here and then one for each end but i might even just look at where it's going to   work best i think maybe that corner 
will work best but maybe that side   be nice to have it all symmetrical now that's just 
me being pedantic but we'll see how it works out and that just about sums up today's episode 
assembling the radiator and thermo fans   and installing them along with 
the chassis extension panels so take a step back here you can see that that 
front extension panel and radiator assembly   really does add to the front length of the front 
end of the car it kind of looks a bit awkward to   be honest standing here the front almost looks too 
long for the vehicle but that will all i suppose   resolve itself as i move into the next episode 
where i start to install the front suspension so that's all for today's episode thanks 
for tuning in if you like these episodes and   the level of detail that i'm going into 
with the assembly of this gt40 kit car   please hit the like button and subscribe to the 
channel so that you don't miss future updates

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